A reading taken from
' The Serious Call' by William Law
Reader, Sandy Grandison
Regional Variations (2)
As Prescribed: patients' requests played by Dudley Savage. theatre organ
BBC Concert Orchestra
Leader William Armon
Conductor, Vilem Tausky
Introduced by Marjorie Anderson
Anglophobe or Anglophile?: a collection of opinions recorded in America
What Are They Up To? Jeanne Heal looks at some women's organisations. 1: Business and professional women's clubs
Treatment in Mental Hospitals by a doctor
Spirit of Kindness: broadcasters remembering Ruth Drew , who died last year
Regional Variations (4)
Service from St. Michael's Parish Church, Dumfries
Service from St. Patrick's Church, Jordanstown, Co. Antrim
As North
from St. Bartholemew's Church, Bristol; conducted by the Vicar, the Rev. Arthur Ringwood
We love the place, 0 God (A. and M. Rev. 242)
Sentence; Confession; Absolution The Lord's Prayer
Versicles and Responses Psalm 122
First Lesson: 1 Samuel 1, w. 24-28 Te Deum
Second Lesson: Romans 12. w. 1-6 Bened ictus
Creed; Collects
Anthem: Behold, the tabernacle of God is with man (W. H. Harris )
The church of God a kingdom is (A. and M. Rev 254)
Organist, Raymond Hillman
Regional Variations (2)
Galw Heibio: record requests for hospital patients
A weekly review edited by Anna Instone and Julian Herbage
Introduced by Julian Herbage
Bruckner's Sixth Symphony by Deryck Cooke
The Counter-Tenor Voice by Russell Oberlin in conversation with Denis Stevens
Musical Profile: Karel Ancerl by Malcolm Rayment
Opera in 1960 by Harold Rosenthal
A request programme of gramophone records
Introduced by Trevor Harvey
Recuerdos de la antigua Espafla
Alicia de Larrocba (piano)
Symphony No. 2, in C (Schumann)
Israel Philharmonic Orchestra Conducted by Paul Kletzki
Conducted by Sir Gerald Barry
Theatre: Richard Findlater
Radio: Jacques Brunius
Book: Elspeth Huxley
Art: Bryan Robertson
Film: Dilys Powell
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Two programmes on FIFTY YEAKS OF
Introduced by James Fisher
2: Sea and Marsh Birds
With the recorded voices of: Eric Simms , A. A. Allen
Thorn Benson. L. Irby Davis
Professor H. Frings. G. R. Williams M. E. W. North, J. Stillwell Script by James Fisher
Produced by Jeffery Boswall
Regional Variations (2)
' The Boat ' by Redmond O'Hanlon, read by Eric Wightman*. Interlude
On Being Hard Up
Campbell Fraser gives some more advice to those who find difficulty in making ends meet
followed by an interlude
Regional Variations (2)
The Scottish Garden
visits Lancashire
Members of the Townswomen's Guild in Darwen put their problems to
Fred Loads , Bill Sowerbutts and Alan Gemmell
Arranged by Peter Anderson
Andor Foldes (piano)
BBC Symphony Orchestra Leader, Paul Beard
Conductor, Rudolf Schwarz
Part 1
discussed by Carel Weight
A second series
See panel
Repeated on Thursday at 7.26 p.m. in Network Three
Regional Variations (2)
Gaelic Service from East Church. Inverness
Part 2
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh news survey
During the past week Her Majesty the Queen haa visited Udaipur and Ahmedabad in India, and Karachi, Quetta, and Peshawar in Pakistan
The tour described by Robert Hudson , Audrey Russell Godfrey Talbot , Charles Wheeler Recordings linked by Wynford Vaughan Thomas and edited by Geoffrey Topping
(mezzo-soprano) with Felix Lavilla (piano) sings Falla's
Seven Spanish Popular Songs on a gramophone record
THE MIDNIGHT FOLK by John Masefield made into a play in five parts by John Keir Cross
4: A Peep Show to the Past
Oh let my jaw Jay down and gnaw Until my teeth are jaggy,
Both cooked and raw the Scots wha hae My ain braw sonsie Naggy
Produced by Josephine Plummer
Recorded broadcast of Dec. 12. 1958
Four talks by Elsa May
1: Is it Real?
A weekly talk on financial affairs, private and public
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
followed by RADIO NEWSREEL
A summary of last week's events
Reginald Leopold and the Palm Court Orchestra
Visiting artist.
Jacqueline Delman
by Aliatair Cooke
Regional Variations (5)
Service from the Tent Hall, Glasgow: Dr. James Kelly. Preacher, John M. Moore. Superintendent of the Tent Hall
Service: as West
Service from Horfleld Baptist Church. Bristol: the Rev. R. A. Liston
Service from the Presbyterian Church of Wales. Aberystwvth: Rev. J. Howard Williams
A aeries of programmes in which Christiana think about their faith and its living expression
The pattern of life and work and leisure has changed in our lifetime. How much leisure have we? How do we use it? Do our children use their leisure creatively?
These questions are put to
Lady Eldon, George Woodcock a headmistress a member of a religious order and a number of children
Script by Bruce Stewart who also takes part in. the programme with Diana Olsson
Produced by Agnellus Andrew
Regional Variations (8)
Appeal: as Midland
Appeal: on behalf of the Royal National Institute for the Blind (Scottish Branch) and associated Societies by Kenneth McKellar
(261 m.) Appeal: as Scottish
Appeal: Compton Martin Church, Bristol, by the Rector. the Rev. Albert Stevens
Appeal: as Scottish
Appeal: on behalf of the Cardiff Society for Mentally Handicapped Children by Dr. Jack Matthews. J.P.
Appeal: on behalf of the Norfolk Association for the Care of the Handicapped by the Vice-Chairman, Dr. Irene B. M. Green
Appeal on behalf of St. Mary's Church, Hinxhill by Jack Warner
Contributions (preferably by crossed postal order or cheque) will be gratefully acknowledged, and should be addressed to Jack Warner, [address removed]
The little parish of Hinxhill has only seventeen houses. The parishioners have loved and cared for their church, parts of which go back to Saxon times, but now major restoration is essential. More than £ 1,000 has been raised, but damage from beetle, dry-rot, and damp still has to be repaired. This will cost another £ 1,000, and the task has become too big for these few people to carry alone.
Dramatised as a serial in ten parts by Muriel Levy with Rachel Gurney , Carleton Hobbs
The case against Clare and Tony Croom has been presented, and the jury has retired to consider its verdict. But none of the family feels very optimistic of Clare's chances as the court reassembles and the jurymen file back to announce their verdict.
PART 10 (Conclusion)
Produced by Robin Midgley and Val Gielgud
Regional Variations (2)
Aelwyd y Gan: Welsh songs
A public audience in Cheltenham questions
Gustaw Gottesman
Editor of Przeglad Kulturalny a literary, political and cultural weekly In WARSAW
Marya Mamies journalist and crit4c in New YORK
Gunnar Heckscher
Professor of Political Science at the University of Stockholm and Conservative Member of the Swedish Parliament
In STOCKHOLM and John Moore novelist and broadcaster who is with Mary Stocks
Arranged by Norman Macdonald
Conducted by Frederick Fennell
Movements from
Suite of Old American Dances Robert Russell Bennett on a gramophone record
Regional Variations (2)
People Today: Tom Langley. ex-policeman
by Geraint Jones
Noel Suisse (Daquin)
Fantasia in F minor for a mechanical organ (K.608) (Mozart)
Pieces for a mechanical organ
Passacaglia and Fugue In C minor
From St. Peter's Italian Church, Clerkenwell Road, London
The Son of Man is
Lord of the Sabbath
Isaiah 68, w. 10-14
Psalm 42 (Broadcast psalter) St. John 5, vv. 1-17
This is the day of Light (BBC H.B.
St. Mark 2, vv. 27 and 28
followed by late weather forecast
Quartet in D minor
(Death and the Maiden) played by the Netherlands String Quartet Nap de Klijn (violin) Jaap Schroder (violin) Paul Godwin (viola)
Carel Boomkamp (ce)]o)
Recorded at a concert given before members of the Manchester Chamber Concerts Society in the Central Hall, Manchester