for farmers
Speaker, C. A. Joyce
The morning magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
followed by an interlude
From Old to New
The Rev. Wilson Anderson glances at the two ' silent centuries ' between the Testaments
1. The Blank
Second edition
Introduced by Jack de Manio
Recordings from the past and present
Denys Gueroult invites you to LISTEN
An un-topical magazine
by Alistair Cooke
Sunday's recorded broadcast
Roger Fiske
Vincent Groves (viola) Josephine Lee (piano)
Where high the heavenly temple stands (BBC H.B. 498)
New Every Morning, page 80
Psalm 34, vv. 1-10
St. John 14. vv. 15-31
My spirit longs for thee (BBC H.B.
SINGING TOGETHER by William Appleby
Where does the money go?
Sam Pollock talks with four young people
Gisele travaille au restaurant
Texte de Paule-Aline et John Dent
Gisele a trouve un emploi provisoire dans un restaurant. Ellc est serveuse, et c'est aujourd'hui son premier jour de travail. Est-ce que tout va bien se passer? ..
BBC Welsh Orchestra Leader. Philip Whiteway
Conducted by Harry Blech
Angela Rubini (soprano)
Forecast for land areas, followed by a. detailed forecast for the South-East region
A play for broadcasting by PHILIP LEVENE
Produced by Martyn C. Webster Saturday's recorded broadcast
Gerald English (tenor) Ernest Lush (piano)
Purcell, real. Britten
If music be the food of love
There's not a swain of the plain Not all my torments
Man is for the woman made Sweeter than roses
Advice and entertainment for retired people and older people generally, and a meeting-place on the air for those concerned for their welfare
Nineteenth-Century Superannuated Man by Charles Lamb
Extracts read by Gordon Clyde
Superannuated Woman by Grace Lindley
Presented by John Dunn
JUNIOR TIME: 5.0-6.15
A, programme for the fives to eights The Big Pond
Four stories written for broadcasting by Bertha Lonsdale
Presented by Trevor Hill 2: Will o' the Wisp
Music for the flute written and played by Bernard Hermann Produced by Herbert Smith
The Second City Jazzmen introduced by their leader Stan Keeley
Presented by Shirley Franklin
5.30 NOW SHOWING IN LONDON A review by Eric Gillett of some of the new films and plays
5.50 Presenting This Week
Review of forthcoming programmes
Weather forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A weekly review of what the papers in South-East England are saying
The Lady from the Sea by HENRIK IBSEN
Translated by Max Faber with Kathleen Michael and Geoffrey Lumsden Earl Cameron
Cast in order of speaking
Production by R. D. SMITH
The News and Comment from at home and abroad
Rondo in C, Op. 51 No. 1 Sonata in D, Op. 28 played by Lamar Crowson (piano)