' Thoughts from the Sea '
Talks by Leonard Pendlebury
2-The Coral Reef
Forecast for land areas
A breakfast-time magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
' Thoughts -from the Sea '
Talks by Leonard Pendlebury
3-A grain of wheat
Repeated on Thursday at 6.50 a.m.
Forecast for land areas
Second edition
Introduced by Jack de Manio
A bulletin of food news to guide the household shopper
Compiled and read by June Jay
by Frances Gray Patton
Abridged by Donald Bancroft
Read by David March
Fourth of twelve weekly instalments
Regional Variations (2)
Signpost from the East Midlands
by Lt.-Colonel Eric Coxon
Looking back over a lengthy acquaintance with military types, Eric Coxon concludes that there has been little change in the intrinsic quality of Services humour. ' There was alwavs a dead-pan element,' he says, and reflects it in his reminiscences.
Stephen Nye and Lois Turner
A gramophone record of Psalm 13 sung by Walter Midgley (tenor) with the Beecham Choral Society and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Conductor, Sir Thomas Beecham , Bt.
Feast of St. Bartholomew
The eternal gifts of Christ the King
(BBC H.B. 234)
New Every Morning, page 58 Psalm 146 St. Matthew 10, vv. 1-15
Disposer supreme (BBC H.B. 226)
The Gerald Crossman Players
The marches played by C.W.S. (Manchester) Band
Conductor, Alex Mortimer
The waltzes played by Anton and his orchestra
by Meston Batchelor
That summer paradise, the riverside residence, can under winter floods become a purgatory to harassed parents. To the younger generation, however, as Mr. Batchelor recalls from 1910, it can be a paradise still.
Regional Variations (3)
Cricket: Somerset v. Yorkshire front Bristol
Farming and fishing news. Interlude
Middlesex v. Warwickshire
Sussex v. Leicestershire
First day
Reports by Brian Johnston from Lord's, and John Arlott at Hove
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
(soprano) with Erik Werba (piano)
Songs by Mozart, Brahms, and Strauss on gramophone records
Conductor, Maurice Milea
by Joan Fleming
by Almey St. John Adcock
Other parts played bv members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company
from Rochester Cathedral
Sung by boys and young men from church and school choirs affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music
Directed by Gerald Knight
Sentence: Exhortation: Confession)
Absolution; the Lord's Prayer
Responses (Ferial) Psalm 119. vv. 1-32
First Lesson: Isaiah 49. vv. 1-13 Magnificat IH. W. Sumsion in A)
Second Lesson: St. Matthew 10, w.
Nunc dimittis (H. W. Sumsion in A)
Creed: Lesser Litany; the Lord's
Prayer; Responses
Anthem: All creatures of our God and King (W. H. Harris)
Prayers; The Grace
Give me the wings of faith (EH.
197: Tune. Song 67)
Organist. John Bertalot
Regional Variations (2)
Cricket: Somerset v. Yorkshire front Bristol
Middlesex v. Warwickshire
Sussex v. Leicestershire
Further reports
For Children of Most Ages
' Treasure Island *
Robert Louis Stevenson 's adventure story abridged by Barbara Henderson and read in episodes by Derek McCulloch
3-' Outward Bound '
5.15 Family Zoo
A new series of talks by Sheila St. Clair
2—' Benjamin '
5.30 On the Gramstand
John Ellison talks to young visitors and introduces some of their favourite records at the National Radio Show, opening today at Earls Court
5.50 Children's Hour prayers
Making the Most of Life
Five talks by the Rev. Deryck Collingwood
4 — 'The Mounted Policeman '
Forecast for land areas, followed by detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News. Round-up. Sport
News. sport
News. sport. News in Welsh
News. sport
Local news and London Stock Market report
6.30 Today's Sport
Regional Variations (2)
Signpost: South Midlands
Three hundred years ago Samuel Pepys began to write his famous Diary. When he died he left it with his extensive library to Magdalene College, Cambridge, where he had taken his degree.
AUDREY RUSSELL describes a visit to the Library, which has so many associations with Pepys.
Produced by Geoffrey Topping
Regional Variations (2)
Cloriannu: Eisteddfod literature
Country tunes and songs from the British Isles and abroad played by Willie Walker and his Band with Alex Glasgow , Denis Weatherley
Billy Pigg (Northumbrian pipes)
Produced by Richard Kelly
Regional Variations (2)
Light Orchestra
RECORD TIMES with Jack Jackson
David Jacobs
Jean Metcalfe
Jack Payne , Christopher Stone
From the BBC Gramstand at the National Radio Show. Earle Court
Produced by Denys Jones
Part 1
Part 2
Regional Variations (2)
Midweek Sportsreet
Francis Chichester
Compiled and introduced by Irene Slade
Produced by Alan Hancock
Southern Mountain Spirituals
ALAN LOMAX recently visited some of the ancient communities in the Southern States, in which the religious folk-music of the pioneer tradition is still alive and developing. In this programme he presents recordings of their hymns and services.
Produced by Anthony Smith
Regional Variations (2)
News headlines; prayers
followed by late weather forecast for land areas
Sonata in A, Op. 30 No. 1 played by Tessa Robbins (violin)
Robin Wood (piano)
September 7: Beethoven's Sonata- in C minor. Op. 30 No. 2