' The Light of the World ' Readings and comment by Fr. T. Corbishley. s.J.
3-Light of Truth from Wisdom 7. vv. 26-30
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
A breakfast-time magazine bringing you news, riews, and interviews
Introduced by Jack de Manio
' The Light of the World'
Readings and comment by Fr. T. Corbishley, S.J.
4-Light of the World from St. John 1. vv. 1-9
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
Second edition
Introduced by Jack de Manto
See Light Programme
Regional Variations (2)
Signpost from the South Midlands
by Darrell Bates
A former district officer describes how he cut through red tape, official and native, to open a new road in East Africa.
Regional Variations (2)
Southwold ' Calls the Tune': holiday workers choose records
Thomas Kelly (clarinet)
Josephine Lee (piano)
Gramophone records including some of his songs sung by Elisabeth Schumann (soprano) and Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau (baritone)
New every morning is the love (BBC
H.B. 408)
New Every Morning, page 11 Psalm 116 (Broadcast psalter) 1 Kings 8, vv. 54-63
The Lord's mv Shepherd. I'll not want (BBC H.B. 480)
Lew Stone and his Sextet
and the Albany Strings
WILFRID THOMAS flew round the world recently and landed in fifteen countries on the way. In the intervals between unfastening and refastening his safety-belt he collected recordings of the music that he found. Today he reports on Australia and Fiji.
Produced by Denys Gueroult
Regional Variations (4)
Cricket: Yorkshire v. Glamorgan: Lancashire v. Leicestershire
As North
As North
Hampshire v. Surrey
Middlesex v. Gloucestershire
Second day
Reports by John Arlott from the County Ground, Southampton, and Rex Alston from Lord's
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conducted by Charles Groves
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A sort of radio show written by Eric Merriman with Kenneth Williams
Hugh Paddick , Betty Marsden
Bill Pertwee , Pat Lancaster
The Fraser Hayes Four
BBC Variety Orchestra (Leader, John Jezard )
Conductor. Paul Fenoulhet
Incidental music by Edwin Braden
Produced by Jacques Brown
(The recorded broadcast of May 6 in the Light Programme)
Regional Variations (4)
What's On? Coming events
The Week Ahead. Interlude
The Week Ahead. Interlude
(1867-1953) by James Pope-Hennessy
Selections from the twenty episodes arranged for broadcasting by Mollie Greenhalgh
Produced by Audrey Cameron
(: a new production of the broadcast on February 11)
Queen Mary had found the opening of her husband's reign nerve-racking, and the outbreak of the first world war, four years after King George's accession, seemed a dark omen. But after 1918 came a quiet period, during which Queen Mary became increasingly interested in the study and collection of antique furniture. The Princess Royal had married Lord Lascelles, and Albert, Duke of York, had taken Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon as his bride. But the eldest Prince, known to his family as David, remained unmarried. Sandringham superseded York Cottage as the Royal Family's country residence.
The Amsterdam Concertgebouw
Conducted by Eduard van Beinum on gramophone records
Regional Variations (2)
One Good Turn: records
Jack Byfield and the Palm Court Orchestra
(Led by David Wolfsthal )
This afternoon's visiting artist,
Peter Glossop
Conducted by Dilys Powell
Theatre: Harold Hobson
Radio: John Barber
Book: Richard Mayne
Art: Robert Furneaux Jordan
Film: Roger Manvell
Records from the Latin-American countries arranged by Nigel Hunter and introduced by Roy Williamson
Regional Variations (4)
As North
As North
Cricket: further commentary and report
Hampshire v. Surrey
Middlesex v. Gloucestershire
Further commentary
For Children of Most Ages
Country Dance Party with boys and girls from Weston-super-Mare and music from
The Moonrakers with Nibs Matthews as caller
Folk songs from Lorna Spriggs accompanied on the guitar by Michael Watson and Bernard Fishwick as host and storyteller
Presented by Brigid Snow
5.30 For Older Children
' Here Lived ... *
C. Gordon Glover visits the homes of six famous men whose names live on in their writings
The home, from 1837 to 1839, of Charles Dickens
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News. sport
News, sport.
News. Today's Sport
News, sport
Local news and London Stock Market report
6.30 Today's Sport
6.40 Town and Country
A magazine for listeners in London and the counties of the South-East
Regional Variations (2)
Wedi'r Carchar: rehabilitation problems of prisoners
Ransome and Maries Works Band
Conductor, George Hespe with The Albert Webb Trio
Regional Variations (2)
BBC Scottish Orchestra; conductor. Norman Del Mar: Handel; lain Hamilton; Mahler; Chabrier
See top of page and page 37
Regional Variations (2)
' The Viking Cathedral ': story of St. Magnus Cathedral. Kirkwall
c A picture of life at Aylesford from the point of view of those who live and work there and those who only visit
Compiled by WALTER SCHWARZ during several weekend visits Produced by Anthony Thwaite
Thirteen years ago the Carmelite friars returned to their medieval priory at Aylesford, Kent, after an absence of 450 years. The half-ruined buildings were bought back and restored with the aid of what the Prior, Father Malachy Lynch, considers a series of financial miracles. Today the priory is not only a centre of pilgrimage: it also receives weekend guests of all faiths and none.
50th edition
In four and a half years Radio Link has sought to illuminate acute national and international problems by making possible, across oceans and continents, an exchange of views between those concerned with them.
Crises in the Middle and Far East, in Berlin, in Little Rock, and over the U2; tensions in NATO and the Commonwealth, and anti-semitism in Germany are some of the issues that have been reflected in ways recalled and illustrated by ROBERT McKENZIE
Regional Variations (2)
Domenico Scarlatti's Stabat Mater: BBC Midland Singers; Roy Massev, organ
Records introduced by Hilde Breitkreuz
Regional Variations (3)
Gaelic talk: tribute to John MacArthur. who established the wool industry in Australia
Holiday Air Mail: BBC Northern Ireland Light Orchestra plays request tunes from Portrush
A gallery of portraits in close-up
Bob Owen. Croesor
Book-collector, lecturer self-taught scholar
,with the recorded voices of PROFESSOR P. M. S. Blackett
DR. Thomas Richards
Introduced by Dyfnallt Morgan
Seventy-five-year-old Robert Owen has lived throughout his life in Croesor, a remote hamlet in the hills behind Portmadoc. He left elementary school to become, for thirty years, a clerk in the local quarry, during which time he built up a private library of some 47,000 items. He has now become a legend, an 'exuberant lecturer known as Bob Owen , Croesor.
Regional Variations (2)
'It's Always Friday': Gale Pedrick recalls stories of his youth in the West Country-1
A recital by John Williams
Regional Variations (2)
News headlines: prayers
followed by late weather forecast for land areas
John Wolfe (oboe)
Josephine Lee (piano)