'Michael Ho '
Talk by the Rev. Father Michael, s.s.p.
Forecast for land areas
A breakfast-time magazine
Introduced by Joy Worth
' A man, a woman and a boy'
Talk by the Rev. Father Michael, S.S.F.
Forecast for land areas
Second edition
Introduced by Joy Worth
Eli Goren (violin)
Clifton Helliwell (piano)
Gramophone records of some songs and instrumental music
Come down, 0 Love divine (BBC H.B.
New Every Morning, page 44 Psalm 139 (Broadcast Psalter) Acts 25, vv. 13-22
Breathe on me (BBC H.B. 148)
Claude Cavalotti and his Orchestra
and his Orchestra with Claudo and Serioso
Presented by Cyril Drake
Miss Mary Applebey , General Secretary of the National Association for Mental Health, talks about the work of the National Association for Mental Health and Mental Health Research Fund
Enquiries may be addressed to [address removed]
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
by Carlina Carr
by John Prebble
A child of eight is missing from her home. This programme tells the story of the search for her from the point of view of a Sunday newspaper.
Produced by Nesta Pain
For Children of Most Ages
Whose Zoo ?
A series of monthly visits to Zoos all over Great Britain
Today: Chester Zoo
Your guides:
G. S. Mottershead , Reg Bloom
Philip Robinson , Trevor Hill
5.30 For Older Children
' As I Before My Cottage Door'
Random rural reflections by C. Gordon Glover
A series of monthly programmes
Produced by David Davis
It was a summer evening,
Old Kaspar's work was done,
And he before his cottage door Was sitting in the sun,
And by him sported on the green,
His little grand-child Wilheimine.
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Olive Shapley describes the popular Yorkshire dale and introduces some of its people
Produced by Michael Barton
Frances Cuka in ' I AM FIFTEEN
The novel by Christine Arnothy adapted for broadcasting by Roger Pillaudin
Translated by Cynthia Pughe
Other voices by members of the cast
Produced by Archie Campbell
The action takes place in Budapest immediately before the Russian occupation.
The year-1945
A monthly programme in which radio is used to link speakers in London and other world centres to exchange views on important issues of common interest
Chairman in London,
Robert McKenzie
The subjects dealt with in Radio Link are always highly topical. They, and the names of the speakers, will be announced shortly before each broadcast.
Beethoven Ecossaises ; Sonata in D, Op. 28