Canon Wilfrid Garlick
Forecast for land -areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
A breakfast-time magazine bringing you news, views, and interviews
Introduced by Joy Worth
. Stepping Stones '
Talks by the Rev. Robert Duce
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
Second edition
Each day this edition may indude some of the items from the first edition. followed by Steve Race keeps a MONDAY DATE
by Alistair Cooke
by Maureen Jackson
What we have learned this year. Script by Rhoda Power.
Feast of St. Peter
Disposer supreme, and Judge of the earth (BBC H.B. 226)
New Every Morning, page 11 Psalm 116 (Broadcast Psalter) St. Luke 5, vv. 1-11
The Church of God a kingdom is
BBC H.B. 183)
The Banjoliers
Directed by Jack Mandel
SINGING TOGETHER, by William Appleby. Requests
11.20 THE WORLD OF WORK. Looking Ahead: a programme about some of the changes that are taking place in industry and commerce today and their effects on employment. (BBC recording)
11.40 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH. ' Un mariage en province': La famille Durand se rend en province pour assister au mariage d'une cousine. Texte d'Emile Harven. (BBC recording)
(Leader, Philip Whiteway) Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
THE music BOX. by Gordon Reynolds
2.10 ORCHESTRAL CONCERTS. ' Belshazzar's Feast ': second of two talks by Reginald Jacques on William Walton 's oratorio
2.30 THE JACKSONS. Fenton Sale of Work. Script by Margaret J. Miller
2.50 PROSE AND VERSE READINGS. ' How Dick Stephens Fought the Bear' from ' West Country Stories ' by A. L. Rowse
The Lawn Tennis Championships
Latest results and commentary by Rex Alston and Max Robertson, with summaries and comments by Alf Chave
From the All England Club
' The Wind in the Willows' by Kenneth Grahame
Arranged for broadcasting in eight instalments by May Jenkin with music by H. Fraser-Simson
6—'The Further Adventures of Toad
At the piano. Helen Henschel
Production by Josephine Plummer
5.30 Coal Boat to Antwerp
ALED VAUGHAN recently sailed with the Kyle Queen , a cargo vessel carrying Welsh anthracite coal, from Swansea to the Belgian port of Antwerp. This programme gives an account of the voyage.
5.50 The week's programmes
Forecast for. land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A series of programmes, devised and introduced by Julian Budden , tracing the development of this famous institution from its origin in Victorian times
6-Henry Wood's
Promenade Concerts (1900-1910)
Mr. Stanford Robinson presents a concert with the BBC Northern Orchestra
(Leader. Mr Reginald Stead )
Miss Kathleen Kay (contralto)
Madame Ilona Kabos (piano)
to meet
John. Betjeman
Poetic Licence
Rene Cutforth
Personal Comment
Edward Chapman ' Courts Day by Day '
James Drake
' No Room in the Boot'
Nichols and May
Improvisations to Music
George Benson and Cecile Chevreau
Domestic Interlude
Musical interludes on records chosen by Robert Irwin
Edited and produced by John Bridges
by Bruce Stewart
[Starring] Rupert Davies and Duncan MacIntyre
Cast in order of speaking: [see below]
Other parts played by members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company
The place is an isolated part of Australia in the early days, before the immigrants lost the dialects of their home lands.
Jean Mackie (piano)