' This Christian Business '
Talks by the Rev. Mansel John
3-Daily Currency
Forecast for land areas
Introduced by Jack de Manio
' This Christian Business '
Talks by the Rev. Mansel John
Forecast for land areas
Second edition
Introduced by Jack de Manio
Cynthia Glover (soprano)
Joseph Ward (baritone)
Lois Turner (piano)
Ching-a-ring-chaw; The boatmen's dance: Long time ago
music AND MOVEMENT I, by Rachel Percival
Feast of St. Barnabas
King of glory, King of peace (BBC
H.B. 325)
New Every Morning, page 58
Psalm 119, part 3 (Broadcast psalter) Acts 11, vv. 19-30
Let saints on earth in concert sing
(BBC H.B. 249)
Ronnie Pleydell and his Orchestra
RHYTHM AND MELODY, by Gladys Whitred
11.20 GEOGRAPHY. On a coffee fazenda in Brazil.
11.40 INTERMEDIATE German. Ausflug im Harz. Manuskript von Else Johannsen-Wagner.
' Diese Woche miissen wir mal heraus aus der Stadt ' sagt Walter. ' Lasst uns auf die Berge steigen. Es ist ganz leicht , in den Harz zu kommen.'
(Leader, William Armon )
Conductor, Vilem Tausky
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A panel game devised by Tony Shryane and Edward J. Mason
Adventures in English. ' Echo and Narcissus a Greek legend retold by Margaret J. Miller
2.20 Science and the Community. 7-Blood to save lives. Script by Tony Gibson
2.40 Stories from British History. The Great Exhibition: a family comes to London. Script by Rachel Neill-Hall
Conducted by Lionel Hale
Theatre: T. C. Worsley Radio: H. A. L. Craig
Book: A. Alvarez
Art: David Sylvester
Film: Freda Bruce Lockhart
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Raymond O'Connell (piano)
Beethoven Rondo in C. Op. 51 No. 1
Sonata in D minor. Op. 31 No. 2