haracters in the Bible'
1 — ' Ruth ' by Erik Routley
Forecast for land areas
A breakfast-time magazine
' Characters in the Bible '
2-' King Ahab ' by Erik Routley
Forecast for land areas
Regional Variations (2)
Patients' record requests
Second edition
Summary by Brian Johnston
Regional Variations (3)
Round-up of events
Signpost from the North-West Midlands.* Interlude
of selected broadcasts from Network 3 and ' Town and Country '
Kitchener, Two Views: In reviews of Philip Magnus's Kitchener. A. J. P. Taylor and Charles Dimont have expressed opposite opinions about Lord Kitchener greatness
Robert W. Service: Captain Theodore Fleming , formerly of the Canadian Mounted Police. remembers his meetings with Robert Service
Let us with a gladsome mind (S.P.
12. and P. and H. 8. both omitting vv. 4, 6, 7; BBC Supplement 12; C.H. 11, omitting vv. 5, 6. 7: Tune, Monkland)
Interlude: The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
Prayers; the Prayer for Forgiveness; the Lord's Prayer
Forth in thy name (S.P. 29, A. and M. 8 and C.H. 651, all omitting v. 2: P. and H. 174: Tune, Angels' Song)
Regional Variations (2)
I Ysgolion Cymru
Interval music
10.0 EARLY STAGES IN FRENCH. A programme*in simple French. Script by Emile Harven.
Scène: . Madame Vanel fait des achats.'
Regional Variations (2)
Morning Service: in Welsh
The King of love (BBC H.B. 475) New Every Morning, page 90 Psalm 121 (Broadcast psalter) St. Mark 2, vv. 1-12
There is a land of pure delight (BBC
H.B. 264)
Ken Beaumont and his Sextet
Regional Variations (2)
Schools. The Story of Wales
music AND MOVEMENT i. by Rachel Percival.
Repeated on Thursday at 9.55 a.m.
11.20 GENERAL SCIENCE. Discoveries about Electricity. 4-Ediqon and his electric lamp. Script by Penelope Knox.
11.40 RELIGION and PHILOSOPHY. Church and State. 4-Nonconformity and the Constitutional Struggle of the 17th Century, by E. A. Payne. General Secretary, Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland.
E. W. Swanton sums up
Conducted by Colin Davis
John Wiggins (flute)
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A spontaneous discussion by Jack Longland , Robert Henriques
Ted Leather, m.p.
J. P. W. Mallalieu, M.P.
STORIES AND RHYMES. ' Dwarf Long-Nose': adaptation by Richard Bebb of the story in Hauff's Tales. Part 2
2.20 SENIOR ENGLISH ii. ' The Lady ' by Conrad Richter. adapted for broadcasting by Sam Langdon. Part 4
2.40 Interval music
2.45 NATURE STUDY. 4-Guils. Script by Christine Dudley.
Conducted by Michael Krein with Jean and Verna English
(two pianos)
A sound recording of Sunday's television programme
Dr. J. Bronowski
Hugh Trevor-Roper
H. C. Longuet-Higgins, F.R.S.
Sir John Wolfenden
Question-Master, Norman Fisher
A message of comfort and cheer
Stuart Hibberd introduces a talk by the Rev. Nathaniel Micklem
Regional Variations (2)
Awr Y Plant
For Younger Listeners
' Simpleton Peter '
A musical fairy tale based on an old story adapted for radio by Muriel Levy with music by Henry Reed
The chorus sung by a group from the Holliinwood Girls' Choir
Music plaved by a section of the BBC Northern Orchestra (Leader, Reginald Stead ) conducted by the composer
Production by Herbert Smith
5.25 For Children of Most Ages
Nature Parliament
Your questions answered by the resident members-James Fisher and L. Hugh Newman -and a guest speaker, Bruce Campbell , with Derek McCulloch (Uncle Mac) in the chair
Forecast for land areas, followed bv a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport
News, sport
News. sport
News, sport
News, sport. News in Welsh
News. Round-up of events
Local news and London Stock Market report
6.30 Today's Sport
6.35 Talking Points
Views and comment from town and country
6.50 'Where Am I? '
Audrey Russell has been to another well-known place. She gives some clues and hopes to start you guessing as she says, ' Where am I? '
6.15 6.25 VHF: Rowridge
(92.9 Me/s) for the South Coast:
Area news and weather summary
Regional Variations (4)
James Young in Albert's Inn': Variety
BBC Northern Orchestra; Stephen Wearing (piano): Rossini; Thomas Pitfield; Dvorak
BBC Midland Light Orchestra: Mantle Childe (piano)
with Claudio Arrau (piano)
Concerto Grosso in G, Op. 6 No. 1
(Handel): Bamberg Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Fritz Leh mann
Piano Concerto No.3, In C minor
(Beethoven): Claudio Arrau , with the Philharmonia Orchestra, conducted by Alceo Galliera
Marriage Feast and Death of King
Dodon (Suite: Le Coq d'Or) (Rimsky-Korsakov) : Royal Phil harmonic Orchestra, conducted by Sir Thomas Beecham , Bt.
Sarabande (Debussy, orch. Ravel);
Symphonic Variations: Istar (D'Indy), San Francisco Orchestra, conducted by Pierre Monteux on gramophone records
in Myth and Literature
A twice-weekly survey of current affairs
The Hurwitz Chamber Ensemble
Director and solo violin,
Emanuel Hurwitz
Charles Spinks
(harpsichord continuo)
Before an invited audience in the Concert Hall, Broadcasting House, London Tickets may be obtained by applying to Ticket Unit, [address removed] enclosing a stamped addressed envelope.
late weather forecast for land areas
Eleanor Warren. (cello)
Ernest Lush (piano)