Christian Urlity and Some Common Sayings '
Talks by the Rev. Kenneth Slack
6-' Blow you, Jack '
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
BBC Concert Orchestra
(Leader, William Armon )
Conducted by Kenneth Alwyn
Forecast for land areas
Marjorie Anderson introduces
At Home in a Strange Country: the views of some of Manchester's coloured citizens
Running a Secretarial Agency: Audrey Bruce describes how her business developed
Ida Jenkins : letter from Australia
Overheard: a conversation between three playwrights
Regional Variations (3)
Service to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns from the Kirk of Alloway
The Faith in South-West Cornwall: religious magazine
A series of sermons on present day philosophies
1—Modern Mysticism
Morning Service from the Sodality Chapel of the Roman Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception, Farm Street, London; conducted by Father Thomas Corbishley , s.J., assisted by Father James Christie , s.J.
Praise we our God (W.H. 188) Reading from Plato's Symposium Address
My God, how wonderful thou art
(W.H. 189)
Praise to the Holiest (W.H. 186)
Reading from St. Augustine's Confessions
Cantate Domino (Byrd) Prayer; Blessing
In nomine Jesu (Handl)
The Farm Street Choir
Director of Music, Fernand Laloux
Organist. Guy Weitz
Regional Variations (2)
Ar Eich Cais: records
A weekly review edited by Anna Instone and Julian Herbage
Introduced by Julian Herbage
'Robert Burns (born January 25, 1759) ' by Maurice Lindsay
' Music Magazine Remembers ... Sir Arthur Sullivan ' by Francis Toye
' Musical Profile-The Juillard String Quartet' by John Amis
' Elektra fifty years ago ' by William Mann
A request programme of records
Les Biches (Poulenc): London Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Anatole Fistoulari
Volta la terra (Un Ballo in Maschera)
(Verdi): Virginia Haskins (soprano), with the NBC Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Arturo Toscanini
Symphony No. 29, in A (Mozart):
Philharmonia Orchestra, conducted by Guido Cantelli
Conducted by T. C. Worsley
Radio: Stephen Potter
Book: Alan Pryce-Jones Art: Bryan Robertson
Film: Elizabeth Coxhead
Theatre: Elizabeth Frank
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Gramophone records presented by Harold Rosenthal
This week: Prague
Regional Variations (2)
The Scottish Garden
from Nottinghamshire
Questions put by members of the Collingham Village Produce Association are answered by Fred Loads , Bill Sowerbutts and Alan Gemmell
Produced by Peter D. Anderson
Maurice Loban (viola)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Conductor, Rudolf Schwarz
by Beatrice Forbes-Robertson
In the 1880s Ian Robertson , the speaker's father, toured the United States in a mixed American and British theatrical company, which included some of the most famous actors of the day: Helena Modjeska , Maurice Barrymore , Edwin Booth. Miss Forbes-Robertson tells of some of her father's experiences in the one-night stands ' out West.'
Regional Variations (3)
To Scotland from Canada: letter from Peter McLintock
Welsh news survey
Getting Possession
Dudley Perkins answers a mixed bag of questions of interest to landlords and tenants
Regional Variations (2)
Folk Songs and Student Songs: BBC Midland Singers
Antony Hopkins
David tells
'The Story of Moses from ' Stories from the Bible' by Walter de la Mare
4— ' The Plagues of Egypt'
' And the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, neither would he let the children of Israel go; as the Lord had spoken by Moses.'
5.15 Tomorrow is a Stranger '
A serial play, set in modern times, about the mysterious adventures of a teenage orphan in search of wonders of the world
Written in seven parts by Norman Painting
Adventure Four:
' Escape to Alexandria '
Produced by Graham Gauld
Regional Variations (2)
Success Story: thrift movement in Omagh: Mrs. J. McKenzie
Some Personal Problems by Edward Leader
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A summary of last week's events
Jean Pougnet conducts his Orchestra from the Palm Court with Edward Rubach (piano)
Visiting artist, Frederick Harvey
by Alistair Cooke
Regional Variations (4)
As Midland
Service from Oldbury Parish Church, Birmingham
Mission and Unity: service from Holy Trinity Parish Church, St. Ajndrews. Preacher, the Rev. Ian Pitt-Watson
Christians think about their faith and its living expression
Paul of Tarsus
Saint and Apostle to Europe
What effect did conversion have on St. Paul? Does his outlook as revealed by his letters make sense to people living in Western Europe today?
Those taking part include
Simon Lack , John Franklyn Robbins
Appeal on behalf of the Royal Alfred Merchant Seamen's Society by John Slater
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to [address removed]
The Society was founded in 1857 and granted a Royal Charter in 1950; since its foundation it has maintained a Home at Belvedere, Kent, for aged and infirm Merchant Navy men of all ranks and ratings, and has recently erected a new home to replace the old, with accommodation for 130. British Merchant Navy officers and men are also assisted by the award of pensions and grants when aged and in need. Separate funds exist for assisting widows and dependants of men who lost their lives in the two world wars and to those who were disabled as the result of such service.
Regional Variations (2)
' Y Blaned Dirion ': serial—2
by Leo Tolstoy
Adapted for radio in twelve episodes by H. Oldfield Box
From the translation by Constance Garnett
Produced by Martyn C. Webster
Other parts played by members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company
Kitty's confinement is successfully over, and she and Konstantin Levin are the proud parents of a baby son.
But Vronsky and Anna, still in Moscow, still awaiting an answer to Anna's letter to her husband asking for a divorce, are at a crisis in their relationship. Quarrels between them have become constant, and Anna, increasingly dependent on drugs to dull her misery, has reached a condition where she finds it hard to distinguish reality and her fear-haunted dreams-dreams that are becoming ever more frequent.
Anna's brother, Stepan, on a visit to
Petersburg, has seen Karenin personally in an effort to persuade him to accede to Anna's request.
Poetry and Music
Readers : Jean Taylor Smith
Tom Fleming , Harold Wightman
Joan Alexander (soprano)
John Tainsh (tenor)
James Kelman (bass-baritone)
Narrator, Alex Allan
BBC Scottish Orchestra (Led by Harry Carpenter ) Conductor, Ian Whyte
Compiled and produced by George Bruce
An extract from the toast at the bicentenary supper of the Ayr Burns Club proposed by Sir James Fergusson of Kilkerran, Bt.
Robert Irwin visits the British Music Society of Northern Ireland and introduces
String Quartet in E minor played by the Carmirelli String Quartet:
Pina Carmirelli (violin)
Monserrat Cervera (violin)
Luigi Sagrati (viola)
Arturo Bonucci (cello)
From the Sir William Whitla Hall.
Queen's University, Belfast
' Into all the World '
Isaiah 29. vv. 18-24
Psalm 67 (Broadcast Psalter) Acts 26, vv. 1-23
Christ for the world we sing (BBC
H.B. 172)
Isaiah 52, v. 10
followed by late weather forecast for land areas
Raymond Holder and Audrey Hayward
(two pianos)