' Television Types '
3-The Floor Manager
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
A breakfast-time magazine
' Television Types '
The Rev. Ronald Falconer talks about some members of the television team who help to bring programmes to the public
4-The Cameraman
Repeated on Friday at 6.50 a.m.
Forecast for land areas
Australia v. England
Summary by E. W. Swanton
Second edition followed by MELODY ON THE MOVE
Judith Pierce (mezzo-soprano)
Edward Darling (tenor)
Josephine Lee (piano)
music AND MOVEMENT I, by Rachel Percival
Come, let us join our cheerful songs
(BBC H.B. 122)
New Every Morning, page 33
Canticle 12 (Broadcast Psalter) I Corinthians 6, vv. 12-20
The eternal gates lift up their heads
(BBC H.B. 131)
The Jimmy Leach Organolian Quartet
11.20 GEOGRAPHY. U.S.A. and Central America: Life in New York. Script by Bob Shekter.
11.40 INTERMEDIATE GERMAN. Klaus Gruber kommt zu Besuch. Manuskript von Milo Sperber.
Walter spricht gern von seinen Verwandten, aber am liebsten von seinem Onkel Klaus.
Brian Johnston and Jack Fingleton discuss the day's play
(Leader, Philip Whiteway ) Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Tommy Reilly (harmonica)
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
London v. West Region
ADVENTURES IN ENGLISH. ' Chanter Willy ': a Highland folk-tale, retold by H. N. May
2.20 SCIENCE AND THE COMMUNITY. 1— Your pulse. Script by F. Le Gros
2.40 STORIES FROM BRITISH HISTORY. 'The Verneys: a family divided by war.' Script by Shirley Parslow
Reginald Leopold and the Palm Court Orchestra
Visiting artist: Maria Perilli
Discussion on children's physical and mental development
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Why Travel ?
Three distinguished travellers discuss this question and how they set about travelling
Wilfred Thcsiger who crossed the Empty Quarter in Arabia in 1947 and 1948 and is now studying the marsh dwellers in the swamps of the Euphrates
Col. Laurens van der Post C.B.E , . who has made a number of expeditions to the Kalahari Desert and is the author of many books
Peter Avery an Orientalist ; now University Lecturer in Persian at Cambridge, after living in Iran and Iraq for a number of years
Chairman, Eric Newby
late weather forecast for land areas
Maria Donska (piano)
Brahms Intermezzo in E flat. Op. 117 No. 1
Capriccio in B minor, Op. 76 No. 2 Intermezzo in A flat, Op. 76 No. 3 Capriccio in G minor. Op. 116 No. 3 Intermezzo in E, Op. 116 No. 4 Waltzes, Op. 39 Nos. 1-8