A layman asks how the teaching in the Parable of the Mustard Seed applies to daily life in Yeovil.
(Recording of Tuesday's broadcast)
Forecast for land areas
A breakfast-time magazine.
A layman asks how the teaching in the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats applies to daily life in Yeovil.
(Repeated on Thursday at 6.50 a.m.)
Forecast for land areas
Summary by Jack Fingleton.
A bulletin of food news to guide the household shopper.
(BBC recording)
See page 5
Mary Thomas (soprano), Josephine Lee (piano)
(BBC recording)
Gramophone records of the 'Carnival' Overture and two movements from the Fourth Symphony.
Bright the vision that delighted (BBC H.B. 269)
New Every Morning. Page 1
Psalm 63 (Broadcast Psalter)
Isaiah 52, vv. 1-10
Abide with me (BBC H.B. 298)
Ian Stewart and his Quintet
Talk by Dr. Harvey Flack, Editor of Family Doctor, published by the British Medical Association, with the supervisor of a school canteen.
(BBC recording)
Minuet on the name of Haydn (Ravel)
Pavane for a dead Infanta (Ravel)
Two Preludes (Rachmaninov)
Op. 23 No. 9, in E flat minor; Op. 32 No. 12, in G sharp minor
on gramophone records
Five short stories by W.W. Jacobs.
Adapted for radio by Lionel Brown.
(The recorded broadcast of December 29, 1957, in the Light Programme)
Summary by E. W. Swanton.
See Light Programme
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region.
A record miscellany of music and song.
Introduced by Roy Williamson.
Carols include 'I saw three ships come sailing by' and Watt's Cradle Song.
(BBC recording)
Overture on Russian Themes (Balakirev): Philharmonia Orchestra, conducted by Lovro von Matacic
Violin Concerto No. 5, in A minor (Vieuxtemps): Yehudi Menuhin (violin), Philharmonia Orchestra, conducted by Anatole Fistoulari
Dance of the Hours (La Gioconda) (Ponchielli): Philharmonia Orchestra, conducted by Herbert von Karajan
on gramophone records
Let Twenty Pass
by F. J. Teskey.
Setting: A cliff walk
The King of Spain's Daughter
by Teresa Deevy.
Adapted for broadcasting by Marianne Helweg.
Setting: A grassy lane in Ireland
by Anton Chekhov.
Dramatised by Teresa Deevy.
Setting: A Moscow warehouse
(BBC recording)
with Maria Karandasjova (piano)
on a gramophone record.
from the Cathedral Church of St. Mary (Scottish Episcopal), Edinburgh.
Sentence; Confession: Absolution
Preces; Responses (Tallis)
Psalms 53. 54, 55
First Lesson: Isaiah 29. vv. 1-14
Magnificat (Watson in E)
Second Lesson: Revelation 14. vv. 1-13
Nunc dimittis (Watson in E)
Creed; Lesser Litany: the Lord's Prayer
Responses (Tallis)
Anthem: Bow thine ear, O Lord (Byrd)
Wake, O wake! with tidings thrilling (E.H. 12, vv. 1 and 2)
Rheumatism: The last of three fortnightly talks by a physician on different types of rheumatism.
Me and My Suburb: David Ghilchik describes the faux pas of an artist in suburbia.
Presented by Douglas Smith.
For Older Children: Masquerade: 6: Conclusion: The Prisoner of Pomerel
An eighteenth-century romance in six episodes by Aubrey Feist.
'Ring down the curtain on our Masquerade,
But pray remember-Vice is oft arrayed
As sweet and smiling Virtue (pretty liar!)
While Virtue walks in villainous attire. Permit a friend to whisper in your ears
That handsome is as handsome does, my dears!'
5.50 Children's Hour prayers
Conducted by the Rev. Eric Barber.
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region.
visits Headington in Oxfordshire for songs and dances.
With William Kimber, Jim Phillips
Headington Quarry Morris Men and Handbell Ringers
Bidford and Breakdowners Square Dance Band
Programme arranged and introduced by Kenneth Clark.
(BBC recording)
(Kenneth Clark broadcasts by permission of the English Folk Dance and Song Society)
A series of five-round contests between London and the Regions.
London: Professor Denis Brogan, Hubert Phillips
Quiz-Master, Lionel Hale
North: Professor W. Lyon Blease, Dennis Chapman
Quiz-Master, Gilbert Harding
(BBC recording)
Repeated on Thursday at 1.10
Felix Aprahamian writes on page 7
followed by late weather forecast for land areas
Loveridge-Martin-Hooton Trio: David Martin (violin), Florence Hooton (cello), Iris Loveridge (piano)
(BBC recording)