A youth club member from Northern Ireland.
(Recording of Wednesday's broadcast)
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing.
A breakfast-time magazine.
followed by:
Morning Music
See Light Programme
Six young people, members of the National Association of Mixed Clubs and Girls' Clubs, talk about themselves.
A youth club member from Bristol.
(Repeated on Friday at 6.50 a.m.)
Forecast for land areas
followed by
Melody on the Move
See Light Programme
Martin Lovett (cello), Frederick Stone (piano)
(BBC recording)
by Rachel Percival.
(Tuesday's recorded broadcast)
God of grace and God of glory (BBC H.B. 391)
New Every Morning, page 64
Psalm 119, part 2 (Broadcast Psalter)
St. John 11, vv. 1-16
Judge eternal, throned in splendour (BBC H.B. 393)
Raymond Agout and his Players
Rhythm and Melody
by Gladys Whitred.
11.20 Geography: Canada: The Prairies - Wheat
Script by Monica Mugan.
(BBC recording)
11.40 Intermediate German: Der Rattenfanger von Hameln
Horspielbearbeitung der deutschen Volkssage von Rolf Richards.
(BBC recording)
BBC Welsh Orchestra
(Leader, Philip Whiteway)
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Michal Hambourg (piano)
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region.
Adventures in English: Shadrach: 3: The Escape
by Meindert De Jong.
A serial story adapted by Sam Langdon.
2.20 Science and the Community: The Fight Against Germs: 5: Clean Air
2.40 Stories from British History: Sir Philip Sidney: A Courtier and Soldier
Passages from the autobiography by Lady Diana Cooper.
Read by Hermione Hannen.
(BBC recording)
Conducted by Paul Dehn.
Book: Elspeth Huxley
Art: David Sylvester
Film: Roger Manvell
Theatre: Ivor Brown
Radio: H. A. L. Craig
(Sunday's recorded broadcast)
Saguita Al Bate (The Baseball Match) and other songs sung to the guitar by the Vaughan Brothers.
5.15 For Older Children
Midland Made: Castyncarbonsteyl
A visit to one of Europe's largest steel foundries.
Eric Tobitt and Jim Pestridge describe the processes in casting some of the large and intricate parts of machinery at this works near Darlaston, in the Black Country.
(BBC recording)
5.40 Home, Sweet Home: 4: Coney Island
Four talks by Owen Tweedy.
Mr. Tweedy's Coney Island is nowhere near New York. It is a mile and a half long by a mile wide, and it lies just off the north-west coast of Ireland. It has six cottages and a population of fourteen.
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region.
A programme in which a question of current concern or interest will be argued or investigated.
followed by late weather forecast for land areas
John Clegg (piano)
(BBC recording)