Billy Mayerl Rhythm Ensemble
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
First edition
A breakfast-time magazine bringing you news, views, and interviews followed by MORNING MUSIC
' Living in the Country ' by the Rev. George Cromey
Minister of Ballyweaney Presbyterian Church BaMymena , Co. Antrim I-Keeping to the Road
Forecast for land areas
Second edition
Each day this edition includes some recorded items from the first edition. followed by MORNING MUSIC
by Alistair Cooke
Clifford Bunford (tenor)
George Isaac (cello)
Mary Kendall (piano)
A record of his Fantaisie for piano and orchestra
The maker of the sun and moon (BBC
H.B. 60)
New Every Morning, page 15 Canticle 3 (Broadcast Psalter) Ephesians 6, vv. 1-9
0 Thou not made with hands (BBC
H.B. 180)
Joseph Muscant and his Orchestra
and his Orchestra
How Christianity came to Britain
Discussed by Jocelyn Toynbee
Professor of Classical Archaeology in the University of Cambridge
William Frend
Lecturer in Church History
In the University of Cambridge
Colonel G. W. Meates Director of Excavations at the Lullingstone Roman villa
Chairman, Vincent Waite
Produced by John Irving
(The recorded broadcast of October 29, 1957, in Network Three)
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
(in and out of doors)
A discussion between
Reginald Gamble , F.R.E.S.
C. C. Tonsley
Editor of the British Bee Journal and General Secretary of the British Beekeepers' Association
E. F. Woods
Secretary of the Mole Apiary Club
(The recorded broadcast of February IS in Network Three)
Records of popular choirs in favourite tunes of yesterday and today
Piano music in contrasting styles
Bronwen Jones (concert pianist)
Joan Trimble and Valerie Trimble
(two pianos)
Bill McGuffie
(Latin-American music)
The Dennis Wilson Quartet
(rhythmic piano music)
Introduced by Alan Dell
Produced by Jimmy Grant
A new play for raddo by Stephen Grenfell
Production by Audrey Cameron
J. B. Boothroyd describes how he found the Norfolk Broads too narrow
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A series of farewell recordings made in Germany before the regiments assume their new identities
3-North Staffordshire Regiment and South Staffordshire Regiment
Introduced by Jack de Manio Produced by Harry Mortimer
A play for radio by Denis Constanduros
Production by Mary Hope Allen
late weather forecast for land areas