BBC Welsh Orchestra
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Forecast for land areas
First edition
A breakfast-time magazine including
Back today from the U.S.A.: What's new in medicine?
Kevin FitzGerald : How to leave the house gracefully
About the house followed by MORNING MUSIC
Some Festivals Jesus Celebrated
Talks by the Rev. W. W. Simpson
4-The Sound of the Trumpet
Forecast for land areas
Second edition
A breakfast-time magazine of news, views, and interviews including
The physician back today from the U.S.A. has further news
The Foreign Scene
by Hugh Ross Williamson
2-The Man in the Moon
What with sputniks and all that, the man in the moon may sound horribly outmoded; but according to the speaker there is no knowing how far in the world of imagination, of literature, of anthropology, of psychology the man in the moon can lead you. In fact the sputnik has got nothing on him.
David Parkhouse (piano)
music AND MOVEMENT I, by Olive Rees
Praise the Lord! ye heavens, adore him (BBC H.B. 16)
New Every Morning, page 87
Psalm 119, part 5 (Broadcast psalter)
St. Luke 19, vv. 29-44
0 heavenly Word. eternal Light (BBC H.B. 37)
The Promenade Players
Conductor, Sidney Bowman
RHYTHM AND MELODY, by Gladys Whitred.
11.20 GEOGRAPHY. Underdeveloped Areas: Northern Australia. Script by Garry Lyle.
11.40 INTERMEDIATE GERMAN. ' RUbezahl und der Bauer ': eine deutsche Volkssage. Sie hiven, wie es dem Bauern Veit erging. als er in seiner Not den Berggeist RUbezaht um Hilfe rief. Horspielbearbeitung von Rolf Richards.
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conducted by Lawrence Leonard
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
ADVENTURES IN ENGLISH. ' Emil and the Detectives' by Erich Kastner , adapted for broadcasting by Garry Lyle. I-The Railway Journey
2.20 SCIENCE AND THE COMMUNITY. Man and Machines. 2-Tools and Machines. Script by Alan Hill.
2.40 STORIES FROM BRITISH HISTORY. An Elizabethan Schoolboy: Francis Bond. Script by Margaret J. Miller.
Five reminiscent talks by the-Earl of Lytton, O.B.E.
3-Mary, Countess of Lovelace
' Great Aunt Mary had strong notions on health and hygiene. The closets in her house were of earth, the baths of the tea-tray type ... and at tea-time she served no jam.' Lord Lytton explains how some of the high principles of a creative, beneficent woman first appeared to him as a little boy, and how in spite --or even because — of them, he came to love her as a mother.
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Famous detection writers select and discuss their favourite fictional and real-life cases
A series edited by John Keir Cross and Frederick Bradnum
The second connoisseur
Edmund Crispin on his first choice
'THE JUDAS WINDOW' by Carter Dickson adapted for broadcasting by John Keir Cross
Produced by Norman Wright
In its third meeting of the current session the Society welcomes
The Rt. Hon. Sir Norman Birkett and invites him to discuss
' The Law and Individual Liberty '
In the chair, Niel Pearson
late weather forecast for land areas