Programme Index

Discover 11,128,835 listings and 272,887 playable programmes from the BBC

TIME AND TUNE, by Kay Foster
11.20 CURRENT AFFAIRS I. (BBC recording)
11.40 TALKS FOR SIXTH FORMS. The Americans: Ways of Life and Trends of Thought in the U.S.A. Today. 4— ' Workers in Field and Factory ': Graham Hutton discusses American techniques of mass production and the attitude of industrial and agricultural workers to their jobs. (BBC recording)


Kay Foster
Graham Hutton

by John Buchan
Adapted as a serial play in six parts by Felix Felton
1—' The Jade Tablet'
Produced by David Davis
A few years have passed since those earlier adventures of Richard Hannay 's such as ' The Thirty-Nine Steps ' and ' Greenmantle.' You must think of him now as a Member of Parliament, and as the father of a boy of fourteen. His son's name is Peter John , and this is just as much his son's adventure as his own.
It began with a chance meeting that set his mind working on unusual lines, and so prepared him for what was ahead. At the time, it seemed like anything but the beginning of a new adventure, but, looking back, it became clear that the starting point really was that October evening when he caught his train home from Victoria.....


John Buchan
Felix Felton
Produced By:
David Davis
Richard Hannay
Peter John
Richard Hannay:
Alec Clunes
Mary his wife:
Avice Landone
Peter John his son:
Henry Searle
Felix Felton
Archie Roylance:
Richard Williams
Valdemar Haraldsen (alias John Smith):
Olaf Olsen
Sandy Arbuthnot (Lord Clanroyden):
James McKechnie
Old Haraldsen:
John Glyn-Jones
Peter Pienaar:
Carleton Hobbs
Aylmer Troth:
Malcolm Graeme
Mrs Pottinger:
Margaret Boyd
Jim Arcoll:
John Clarke-Smith

TRAVEL TALKS. Round the Commonwealth. Rubber from Malaya. Script by D. J. Flunder
2.20 LOOKING AT THINGS. 'Made of Wood': a talk by Hervey Adams.
2.40 SENIOR ENGLISH 1. ' Garram the Hunter': a story of an African boy by H. Best. Adapted for broadcasting by June Hodge. 2—' The City of the Western Plains'


Script By:
D. J. Flunder
Talk By:
Hervey Adams.
H. Best.
June Hodge.

Regional Variations (3)

Children's Hour: ' Science today'; 'Cloud Island': serial-3.

BBC Home Service North

As North

BBC Home Service Northern Ireland

For Younger Listeners
' Miss Fairitch and the Little Greenes '
Six episodes from the book by Elizabeth Gorell told by Jo
5-' Lessons'
5.10 For Older Children
'Treasure in Arden
A light-hearted adventure by Aubrey Feist
5 — ' Avon St. Mary ' .
Produced by David Davis
* Permit me to make my bow again. Mr. Hob! You have heard how I persuaded three men to search for the lost sonnet..... Soon after their failure at Old Galliards, Elizabeth Courtney returned home. Mr. Melville and Ned Beecham wished to follow her at once, for at Avon St. Mary was the last of the three houses in which Shakespeare's poem might be hidden; But Rodney-of all people! — delayed their departure with one excuse after another, and several days passed before they all piled into the yellow curricle with scarlet wheels and set off at Rodney's usual break-neck gallop through the lanes ...'


Book By:
Elizabeth Gorell
Aubrey Feist
Produced By:
David Davis
Elizabeth Courtney
Ned Beecham
Mr Hob:
Leslie French
Rodney Valentine:
Derek Blomfield
Mr Vernon Melville:
Norman Chidgey
Ned Beecham:
Harold Reese
The Rev Augustus:
Laidman Browne
Miss Courtney:
Vivienne Chatterton
Elizabeth Courtney:
Nicolette Bernard

Regional Variations (5)

Ulster Mirror.

BBC Home Service Northern Ireland

News in Welsh.

BBC Home Service Welsh

The Week in the West.

BBC Home Service West

What Goes On: magazine.

BBC Home Service Midland

Conductor, Florence Warner
Marjorie Felce (piano)
Molly Terry
Phyllis West
Dorothy Terry


Florence Warner
Marjorie Felce
Molly Terry
Phyllis West
Dorothy Terry

Regional Variations (4)

Gardeners' Question Time.

BBC Home Service North

As North

BBC Home Service Northern Ireland

Debate in Welsh on the future of Anglesey.

BBC Home Service Welsh

A programme recalling one of many famous legal processes illustrating the rights and liberties of the individual under English law
The Queen against
Marcellus Thompson
1893 in which case it was established that to be admissible as evidence confession of a crime must be free and voluntary and not prompted by hope or fear excited by ' a person in authority '
The story and trial reconstructed by Jenifer Wayne and C. R. Hewitt
Narrator, James McKechnie
Production by. Joe Burroughs


Marcellus Thompson
Jenifer Wayne
C. R. Hewitt
James McKechnie
Production By:
Joe Burroughs

Regional Variations (5)

Jean Buck (soprano).

BBC Home Service West

' Letter from America.'

BBC Home Service North

Belfast Philharmonic Society's Chorus and Orchestra: Rawicz and Landauer (two pianos): Concerto in E flat (Mozart); Kallo Folk Dances fbr Chorus and Orchestra (Koddly)

BBC Home Service Northern Ireland

'Evening Melody': Dudley Rolph; Elton Hayes: BBC Midland Light Orchestra.

BBC Home Service Midland

Talk by Martin Hotine
It stands to reason that anyone coming back to this Earth wants to pass unnoticed. In London they mingle with the crowds and go home every night to a nice respectable cemetery in the suburbs. Here in Africa what more natural than that they should appear as snakes?'
That was what the lone white settler said and, after rhe incident of the Vanishing Python, Brigadier Hotine wasn't quite sure there mightn't be something m it.


Talk By:
Martin Hotine
Brigadier Hotine

BBC Home Service Basic

About BBC Home Service

BBC Home Service is a radio channel that started transmitting on the 1st September 1939 and ended on the 29th September 1967.

Appears in

About this data

This data is drawn from the Radio Times magazine between 1923 and 2009. It shows what was scheduled to be broadcast, meaning it was subject to change and may not be accurate. More