A reading for the Eve of All Saints
'St. Patrick's Breast-Plate' Read by Preston Lockwood
and forecast for farmers and shipping
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A request programme of gramophone records including this week:
Tatiana's Letter Scene (Eugene
Onegin) (Tchaikovsky)
Song of the Spirits over the Water
Violin Concerto in D minor (Sibelius)
A weekly review edited by Anna Instone and Julian Herbage
Introduced by Julian Herbage
' The Music of Frank Martin ,' by Humphrey Searle
' Mendelssohn's Songs without Words,' recorded talk by Francis Toye
' Musical Profile: Peter Warlock (1894-1930),' by Parry Jones
John Philip Sousa (1864-1932),' by Mark Lubbock
This week's programmes in the Home Service
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Garden Birds
Maxwell Knight introduces two speakers, Bruce Campbell and David McClintock
Produced by Tony Soper
Conducted by T. C. Worsley
Theatre: Harold Hobson
Radio: Michael Ayrton Book: Elspeth Huxley. Art: Colin Maclnnes
Film: Basil Wright
Part 2
Pictures from an Exhibition
Mussorgsky, orch. Ravel
(Jean Martinon broadcasts by permission of the London Philharmonic Orchestra)
Mussorgsky's Pictures from an Exhibition, which were originally written for the piano, owe their origin to a memorial exhibition of paintings and drawings by Hartmann, who had been a great friend of Mussorgsky. The subjects depicted are a gnome, an old castle, children playing in the garden of the Tuileries, a Polish cart drawn by oxen, a ballet of chickens emerging from their shells, two Polish Jews (one rich, one poor), women quarrelling in the marketplace at Limoges, the Paris catacombs, a witch's ride, and the Heroes' Gate at Kiev. H.R.
Arthur Calder Marshall
This week he talks about The Faithful Ally' by Eric Linklater , ' Beyond the Glass ' by Antonia White , and ' Private's Progress ' by Alan Hackney.
For Older Children
' Women of Courage '
A new series of programmes by Howard Jones
1-' Florence Nightingale '
Produced by David Davis
National Savings Certificates
From tomorrow, November 1, it will be possible to buy more National Savings Certificates than formerly. Gordon Cummings gives the details of this new savings scheme.
Shipping and general weather forecasts. followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Appeal on behalf of the Professional Classes Aid Council by the President, Lord Moran, M.C., M.D.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to [address removed]
The Professional Classes Aid Council is concerned with the relief of distress among professional people and their dependants, and is supported by voluntary contributions. The applications arriving daily show how heavily the burden of present conditions has fallen on this group of the community.
Immediate help can be given, but the main endeavour is to help professional men and women until they can again reach a position of independence. Assistance is also given with the education and training of young people. Annual grants are given to the sick and aged and others who are no longer able to support themselves.
by Charles Dickens
Adapted and produced in twelve episodes by Charles Lefeaux
12-' The Tables are Turned '
Organ played by Charles Spinks
When Tom recovers from his astonishment at learning that his unknown employer is old Mr. Chuzzlewit, he tells him of Lewsome's story accusing Jonas of the murder of his father, Anthony Chuzzlewit. John Westlock and Martin go to Mrs. Gamp's in search of evidence supporting the accusation, and find her quarrelling bitterly with Betsey Prig.
Mrs. Gamp arranges to introduce old
Mr. Chuzzlewit, John Westlock, Mark Tapley, and Lewsome secretly to Jonas's house so that they may question old Chuffey, and if necessary tax Jonas with the crime. However, the old man explains that Anthony had discovered the poison and, realising that his son was trying to kill him, had died of a broken heart. Jonas's relief is short-lived, for a few moments later the police arrive to arrest him for the murder of Montague on information supplied by Mr. Nadgett. Before he can be taken away, however, he commits suicide.
A series of three talks by Julian Duguid
3 — ' Speed Bonny Boat'
Mr. Duguid gives his impressions of the journey he made last month in which he covered much the same ground as did Dr. Johnson and his friend Boswell in 1773.
' For the Eve of All Saints '
Psalm 90. w. 1-12 (Broadcast Psalter) From Hebrews 11 and 12 Brief life is here our portion (BBC
Hymn Book 241)
Wisdom 3, v. 1
late weather forecast for land areas