Ian Stewart and his Quintet
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A gramophone miscellany
Readings from the Bible by Frederick Allen on ' The People of God ' with comment by the Rev. Elsie Chamberlain
and forecast for farmers and shipping
by a doctor
Ian Blair (baritone)
Jurgen Hess (violin)
Frederick Stone (piano)
Lawson Steni recalls a voyage from Suez to Mombasa with a shipload of Greek refugees from the Nazis
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT I. by Christine Trodd
Where high the heavenly temple stands (BBC Hymn Book 498)
New Every Morning, page 80
Psalm 90. w. 1-12 (Broadcast Psalter) St. John 12. vv. 34-50
0 for a closer walk with God (BBC
Hymn Book 333)
Anton and his Orchestra
RHYTHM AND MELODY, by Gladys Whitred
11.20 GEOGRAPHY. South America. Allan Murray talks about new industries and new cities in South-East Brazil.
11.40 INTERMEDIATE GERMAN. ' Die Zwillinge auf dem Jahrmarkt.' Eva und Walter haben mancherlei Abenteuer, aber — wie ihnen die Wahrsagerin verspricht — es geht alles gut aus
Manuskript von Hilde Maria Kraus
See top of page
from a factory at Leeds
with Ted Lune, Kathleen Lewis, Eno and Lane, Billy 'Uke' Scott
Fred Harries at the piano
(Ted Lune is in Variety at the Palace Theatre, Grimsby; Eno and Lane are in Variety at the Grand Theatre, Doncaster)
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
ADVENTURES IN ENGLISH. ' The Pilgrim's Progress ': a serial story from the book by John Bunyan. adapted by Julia Goodey. 3-' Doubting Castle
2.20 HISTORY i. Queen Margaret of Scotland: an exiled Saxon princess brings about great changes at the court of Malcolm III. Script by Aileen Mills
2.40 SCIENCE AND THE COMMUNITY. The Fight Against Germs: 5-Germs in the Air. Script by Philip Brown.
A play for broadcasting by Arthur Calder Marshall
Cast in order of speaking:
Special effects composed by Edward Williams
Produced by R. D. Smith
(The recorded broadcast of Sept. 27)
Shipping and general weather forecasts. followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Talk by the Rev. E. Gordon Rupp
Lecturer in Divinity
In the University of Cambridge
The Martin Luther film (which has been much discussed, particularly in the religious Press, since its first showing at the Edinburgh Festival last year) will have its first release in Cardiff and other towns within the next few weeks. Dr. Rupp, who has seen the film, talks about its historical accuracy.
by Alistair Cooke.
From the world of show business here's laughter, drama, and a song or two, with the assistance of: The Hedley Ward Trio
James McKechnie and Gene Crowley
George Martin
Lizbeth Webb
Donald Wolfit
BBC Revue Orchestra
Conductor, Harry Rabinowitz
Script by Gene Crowley
Produced by Alastair Scott-Johnston