Eric Spruce at the BBC theatre organ
and forecast for farmers and shipping
and his Mazurka Orchestra
Psalm 122 introduced and read by the Rev. R. T. Brooks sung in metrical version by the BBC Singers
and forecast for farmers and shipping
by a doctor
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh light music.
Joseph Muscanit and his Orchestra
(BBC record'ing)
0 worship the King .(omitting vv. 3 and 5) (S.P. 618: A. and M. 167; C.H. 9: Tune, Hanover)
Interlude: 'Christianity Comes to
England '
Prayers: the Prayer of St. Ignatius
Loyola; the Lord's Prayer
Who would true valour see (S.P. 515;
A. and M. 676; C.H. 576: Tune, Monk's Gate)
PROSE AND VERSE READINGS. 'The Catch.' from ' The Old Man and the Sea ' by Ernest Hemingway
9.45 GENERAL SCIENCE. Man Conquers the Air. 5-' Through the Air and Beyond.'
The race that long in darkness pined
(BBC Hymn Book 496) -
New Every Morning, page 37 Psalm 98 (Broadcast Psalter) Acts 21, v. 37. to 22, v. 15
Father, we thank thee (BBC Hymn
Book 201)
The Jimmy Leach Organolian Quartet
TIME AND TUNE, by Doris Gould
11.20 THE WORLD OF WORK. ' The Young Worker and the Law': dramatic programme by J. Macalister Brew.
11.40 TALKS FOR SIXTH FORMS. Current affairs
Regional Variations (2)
Cricket. Gloucestershire v. The Australians.
and his Rumba Band with Esteban, Miguel Delgado and Francisco Icaza
Michael Miles introduces
The Coronets
Sandy Sandford
Professional Protégée
Irisaa Cooper
Bob Monkhouse and Denis Goodwin
Your Favourite Musical Comedy with Paula Grey
Resident Top of the Bill
Ethel Revnell
BBC Revue Orchestra
Conductor, Harry Rabinowitz
Produced by Trafford Whitelock
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Conducted by Lou Whiteson
Lunchtime scoreboard
TRAVEL TALKS. In the Coldest Lands.
' Exploring South Georgia.' Script by Duncan Carse
2.20 LOOKING AT THINGS. Looking Back on the Year: why is i-t important to take an interest in the appearance of the sort of thing looked at during the past year's broadcasts? Script by Anthony Bertram
2.40 SENIOR English i. ' The Veiled Portrait ': a story of the Edinburgh underworld. by James M'Govan. Adapted for broadcasting by Lennox Milne
Regional Variations (2)
Afternoon Sport. Lawn Tennis Championships from Wimblédon. commentaries on the Final of the Men's Singles; Rowing, Henley Royal Regatta; Cricket, Gloucestershire v. The Australians.
Henley Royal Regatta
Commentary by John Snagge
The Lawn Tennis Championships
Latest results and commentary by Max Robertson and Rex Alston on the final of the Men's Singles, followed by other semi-finals
From the All England Club,
by Charlotte Bronte
Adapted for broadcasting in eleven episodes by Barbara Couper
Episode 4
Regional Variations (2)
Children's Hour
For Older Listeners
Laiidman Browne in ' The Organ-Grinder of St. Pauls'
An adventure of Samuel Poppleton Esquire, antique dealer
Written for broadcasting by Margaret Potter
Produced by Trevor Hill
The action takes place in and around the Hamburg Docks in 1912)
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed bv a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport.
News. sport.
News sport
News, sport.
News, announcements, news talk. sport.
News, sport.
Lawn Tennis: a report from Wimbledon on the day's play in the Championships
Rowing: John Snagge reports on the Henley Royal Regatta also racing resulrts, cricket scores and other sports news
BBC Concert Orchestra
(Leader, John Sharpe )
Conducted by Michael Kredn
BBC Chorus
Chorus-Master, Leslie Woodgiate
Rec.orded commentary by John Snagge
Regional Variations (3)
Hwvrol Weddi.
Book Review
Directed by Cyril Stapleton
in 'Melody Land'
with The Stargazers, Julie Dawn, Bill McGuffie, Harold Smart, The Show Band Singers
Introduced by Rikki Fulton
Production by Johnnie Stewart
Her Majesty
Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother opens the exhibition in Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia
(A shortened version of this afternoon's broadcast in the Light Programme)
Regional Variations (3)
A Programme of Music by British Composers
News in Gaelic.
Moiseiwitsch (piano)
A recorded impression of the visit of Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh to Northern Ireland
by Joseph Harsch
This is the fourth in the series of six talks also be:ng broadcast in the United States on the NBC network.
Joseph Harsch recorded his talk today from a studio in Europe. The place of origin wili be announced at the time of the broadcast.
Regional Variations (2)
Benny Lee , Pearl Carr
Ronald Fletcher
Nat Temple and his Orchestra
Produced by Pat Dixon
Regional Variations (2)
New Choral Music
Rhodes Scholars' Jubilee Reunion
Lord Elton, General Secretary of the Rhodes Trust , talks about the reunion at Rhodes House, Oxford
Michael Barsley introduces some of the Rhodes Scholars, past and present, from the Commoniwealth and the U.S.A., who have been meeting together in Oxford
Produced by Michael Barsley and John Bridges
Suite in F minor played by Geraint Jones (harpsichord)