Falkman and his Apache Band
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Leader, William McInulty)
Conductor. David Curry
Psalm 61, vv. 1-4
Introduced and read by the Rev. R. T. Brooks sung in metrical version by the BBC Singers
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (2)
' Eich lechyd.' gan y Meddyg.
on gramophone records
Martha Dyson (soprano)
Jan Sedivka (violin)
Josephine Lee (accompanist)
Regional Variations (2)
Service for Schools.
Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven
(S.P. 623; A. and M. 298: C.H. 21, omitting v. 4: Tune, Praise my soul)
Interlude: Christianity comes to
Scotland '
Prayers: the Prayer for today; the Lord's Prayer
In Christ there is no east or west
(S.P. 537: Tune, St. Stephen (Newington) )
Regional Variations (2)
I'r Ysgolion. Materion y Dydd.
by Ley Kenyon
The speaker is head of the Commercial Art and Illustration Section of the Polytechnic School of Art in Regent Street. In this talk he describes the problems of an artist who specialises in the design of book jackets.
News commentary
Regional Variations (2)
Gwasanaeth Boreol.
0 sacred head, sore wounded (BBC
Hymn Book 86)
New Every Morning, page 26 Psalm 22 (Broadcast Psalter) Acts 21, vv. 1-14
Take up thy cross, the Saviour said
(BBC Hymn Book 369)
Hugh James and his Orchestra
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT i, by Marjorie Eele
To be repeated tomorrow at 9.45 a.m.
11.20 HISTORY i. ' Wyatt's Rebellion ' : ': the story of the rebellion in 1554 against the marriage of Mary Tudor to Philip of Spain. Script by Rhoda Power.
11.45 EARLY STAGES IN FRENCH. A programme in simple French in which listeners are invited to take an active part. Scène: Le Phare de Cordouan. Script by Georgette Morisset
Sandy Macpherson at the BBC theatre organ
from a canteen in Birmingham
with Frances Taylor and Gerald Delmondi, Percy Edwards, Harry Dawson, Robert Moreton
Jack Wilson at the piano
Presented by Philip Garston-Jones
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Lunchtime scoreboard
Regional Variations (2)
Schools. Scottish Affairs.
FOR THE FOURTEENS. The Microphone Goes Back. 3— ' In Town Tonight ': a BBC interviewer returns to the London of Elizabeth I and talks with four personalities of the period. Script by Rhoda Power
2.20 ADVENTURES IN music. Ravel's ' L'Enifant et les Sortileges': illustrated talk by Eileen Browne
2.40 SENIOR ENGLISH 11. Books for Readiing in the Holidays: a book review programme
from the Chapel of Ardingly College, Sussex
My Lord, my life, my love (E.H. 442) Confession and Absolution
Versicles and Responses Psalms 147. 148. 150
First Lesson : Joshua 1
Magnificat (Stanford in C)
Second Lesson: St. Mark 5. vv. 1-20 Nunc dimittis (Stanford in C) Creed, Suffrages, Collects
Anthem: Hail, gladdening light
(Charles Wood)
Ha;l. gladdening light, of his pure glory poured
Who is the immortal Father, heavenly, blest,
Holiest of holies, Jesus Christ, Our
Now we are come to the sun's hour of rest,
The lights of evening round us shine, We hymn the Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit divine.
Worthiest art thou at aM times to be sung
With undefiled tongue, Son of our God, giver of life, alone;
Therefore in all the world thy glories,
Lord, they own.
Praise to the Holiest (E.H. 471)
Organist, Raymond Humphrey Director of Music, Robin Miller
Latest results and commentary by Max Robertson and Raymond Glendenning
From the All England Club,
Regional Variations (3)
Children's Hour. Story.
Awr y Plant
For Younger Listeners
A nursery sing-song with Vi and Gwen
5.15 For Children of All Ages
'Down at the Mains
' Haymakers ' by R. Gordon McCallum and Produced by Kathleen Garscadden
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed bv a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport.
News, sport
News, sport.
News, sport.
News, sport.
News. sport
Lawn Tennis: A report from Wimbledon on the day's play in the Championships
Also racing results, cricket scores, and other sports news
Willy Richardson , producer of the BBC programme ' Calling- the West Indies,' presents his choice of records
Last' of a series of programmes presented by Coronation commentators
by Cyril Campion and the Passenger
Production by Audrey Cameron
Regional Variations (4)
Song and Dance. Keighley Vocal Union; Frank Mumby and Alan Soulsby (two pianos).
As North
Town Topic. Citizens of Market Harborough talk about ' Sunday games—should they be allowed in local parks? '
at the piano
Wynford Vaughan Thomas and Audrey Russell give their impressions of the exhibition to be opened on Friday by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
From Bulawayo.
Southern Rhodesia
Regional Variations (3)
'Branwen ': play by Ll. Wyn Griffith, based on an ancient legend of Wales."
Berwickshire Dominie': feature programme re-created from the journal of Robert Lees, village 1877 to 1901
of a. William Rickaby
Written by Robert Pocock
Produced by Peter Duval Smith
A talk on a subject of topical interest
with Pearl Hackney , Deryck Guyler
Daphne Anderson , Peter Hawkins
BBC Revue Orchestra
Conductor, Harry Rabinowitz
Script by Eric Barker
Produced by Charles Maxwell
Regional Variations (6)
A Guide for Shakespearegoers: illustrated talk by A. P. Rossiter on ' The Taming of the Shrew, ' to be seen at Stratford ,
' Welsh music of the nineteenth and early twentieth century.' illustratedtalkby E T. Davies.
As North
Moray Choral Union.
BBC Northern Orchestra; Nancy Evans (mezzo-soprano).
' The Voice upon the Breath '
Last of four illustrated talks by Franklyn Kelsey
In this talk The speaker compares the old with the modern interpretation of this phrase, and sums up the series.