Callender's Cable Works Band
Conductor. C. A. Waters
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A gramophone miscellany
' God in the unexpected '
Reading and comment by the Rev. K. W. Wadsworth
1 Kings 19, vv. 1-15 and 18
and forecast for farmers and shipping
' Ways with Carrots ' by Mrs. Bee Nilson
The Melachrino Strings
Conducted by George Melachrino
Regional Variations (2)
Piano Trio in C minor. Op. 1 No. 3 played by The Judy Hill Trio:
Judy Hill (violin)
Olga Hegedus (cello) Angela Dale (piano)
by Francois Weymuller
music AND MOVEMENT I, bv Marjorie Eele
Ye choirs of new Jerusalem (BBC
Hymn Book 116)
New Every Morning, page 29 Canticle 8 (Broadcast Psalter) St. Matthew 12, vv. 1-8
Brief life is here our portion (BBC
Hymn Book 241)
Frank Baron and his Sextet
Regional Variations (2)
I'r Ysgolion: Storiau.
11.40 FRENCH FOR SIXTH FORMS. ' L'enigme de I'homme au masque de fer.' Texte de Jacques Borel
A programme of gramophone records presented by Jack Watson
Regional Variations (2)
Carys Dyer (contralto); Harold Britton (piano).
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Reports from Britain and overseas-
Regional Variations (2)
The Continental Players, directed by Jack Leonardi.
and his Rumba Band with Esteban, Miguel Delgado and Francisco Icaza
Regional Variations (3)
Schools: Scottish Heritage.
Schools: first stages in Welsh.
FOR COUNTRY SCHOOLS. ' The Fur Traders.' Script by Margaret J. Miller
2.20 GEOGRAPHY, Life and Work in Western Europe. ' Hydro-Electric Power Stations on the Rhone.' Script by H. Dennis Jones
2.40 ADVENTURES IN ENGLISH. A narrative poem: 'King Robert of Sicily,' by H. W. Longfellow
by Sidney Nelson and Maurice Harrison
Production by Cleland Finn
Some diversions on a car journey with Peter Ustinov
Peter Jones , Rose Hill and the Aeolian Players
Regional Variations (5)
Hazel McCully (contralto); Denis Stevens (horn)
Deanamaid Aoradh.
Ralph Davies Quartet; Denis Griffith (tenor).
Claire Belman (soprano); Osmund Caine (bass-baritone): Elizabeth Hopkins (piano).
Rhapsody in B minor Op. 79 No. 1
Apres un rêve (Fauri)
Chanson triste (Duparc) Phidylé (Duparc) Automne (Fauri)
Two Arabesques (Debussy) on gramophone records
'Joseph and the Pillar Box' a story by Irene Grigsby, told by Jo followed by
Carleton Hobbs and Norman Shelley in 'The Three Students'
The last of five Sherlock Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The action of the play takes place in a great English university town, in the year 1895
5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by the Rev. Wallace F. Cox
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport.
News, sport.
News, sport
News, sport.
News, sport.
News. sport.
Directed by Tom Jenkins with John Hanson (tenor)
Regional Variations (2)
Seiat Holi'r Naturiaethwyr.
Talk by the Rev. T. G. Dunning, Ph.D., General Secretary of the Temperance Council of the Christian Churches.
The Churches have long been dissatisfied with the old methods of temperance work and have recently done a good deal of thinking about new methods. Among recent attempts was the calling of a standing conference of Denominational Youth Leaders and members of the Temperance Council of the Christian Churches' Executive. Examining the needs of the time, they drew up a four-point policy. This statement marks a new beginning in temperance work. Dr. Dunning talks about these four points and the place of temperance work in the modern world.
Regional Variations (2)
Talking Sport.
Highlights of the Show World
You are invited to listen to stars of the stage, screen, radio, and concert platform, with the BBC Revue Orchestra
Produced by Alastair Scott-Johnston
Regional Variations (4)
Talk on the villages of Co. Antrim
Honor Sheppard (soprano) ; Yorkshire Symphony Orchestra. Music by Rossini. Delius. R. Strauss. Mozart, Verdi. Wagner.
New Zealand letter.
Digging for Black Opals Murray Sayle
The speaker, an Australian who recently arrived in this country, describes the opal mines of Australia and his own experiences in digging for the fabulous black opals atLightning Ridge in the far outback of New South Wales.
Regional Variations (2)
As North
Carmina Burana for soloists,
'chorus, and orchestra
See below
Another performance of Carmina Burana: tomorrow evening (Third)
Regional Variations (3)
Town Forum visits Browhhills.
Nabucco Arts 3 and . 4
Written and produced by Roy Speer also taking part:
James Dyrenforth , Jon Farrell and Sydney Keith
The Singers:
Anne Shelton , Dick James
Stanley Black and his Orchestra
Musical arrangements by Bruce Campbell and Alan Yates
(Continued in next column)
'The programme is also illustrated by gramophone records, . including excerpts from the ' Rhapsody in Blue,' the Piano Concerto, An American in Paris.' and the opera. ' Porgy and Bess'
Regional Variations (6)
' A New Translation of the Bible ': talk.
Sermon by St. Chrysostom translatedinto Welsh.
The McFlannels.'
Songs by amateur song-writers
Frank Sawyer describes creatures in a chalk stream.
by Geoffrey Moore
After spending four years working in America, while he felt a great nostalgia for England, Geoffrey Moore also discovered a strong attraction to America—strong enough to make him wonder whether he should apply for American citizenship. He returned to England in rhe hope of clarifying his feelings towards both countries, and in this talk he describes what he found in America.
Regional Variations (2)
Edward Hazel (clarinet). Robin Milford. Ravel
(cello) on gramophone records