Programme Index

Discover 11,128,835 listings and 272,886 playable programmes from the BBC

MUSIC AND MOVEMENT ii, by Marjorie Eele. ' The Sleeping Princess ' and ' The Fire Dance '
To be repeated tomorrow at 9.45 a.m.
11.40 FRENCH FOR SIXTH FORMS. ' Le Malade Imaginaire,' de Moliere: extraits des scenes suivantes interpreter par les eomediens de la Compagnie Madeleine Renaud—Jean-Louis Barrault :
Acte 1, scenes 1 et 2: Acte 2, scene 6; Acte 3, scenes 3. 10, 12, et 13


Marjorie Eele.
Jean-Louis Barrault
Andre Brunot
Régis Outin
Thomas Diafoirus:
Jean-Pierre Granval
Récitant ,:
William Sabatier
Marie-Helene Daste
Simone Valere
Anne-Marie Carrere

Regional Variations (2)

Douglas Kingsbury (bass); Kathleen Golding (piano).

BBC Home Service West

A midday menu of radio artists known, well known, and unknown with the BBC Variety Orchestra
Conducted by Paul Fenoulhet
Introduced this week by Leslie Sarony
Produced by Stephen Williams


Conducted By:
Paul Fenoulhet
Leslie Sarony
Produced By:
Stephen Williams

Regional Variations (3)

Schools: First Stages in Welsh.

BBC Home Service Welsh

Schools: Scottish Heritage.

BBC Home Service Scottish

LIVING IN THE COUNTRY.The Post Office.' Script by Ronald Harvey
2.20 GEOGRAPHY. Man and the Surface of the Earth. ' Life on the island of Tahiti.' Script by Robert Gibbings
2.40 ADVENTURES IN ENGLISH. ' Black Beauty.' adapted by Julia Goodey from the book by Anna Sewell


Script By:
Ronald Harvey
Script By:
Robert Gibbings
Adapted By:
Julia Goodey
Book By:
Anna Sewell

Regional Variations (2)

A Devonshire conversation-piece by Eden Phillpotts
Produced by Owen Reed in the BBC West of England studios


Eden Phillpotts
Produced By:
Owen Reed
Charles E Stidwill
Viviene Chatterton
Aileen Mills
Milly ,:
Ethel Coleridge
Lewis Gedge

Regional Variations (4)

Children's Hour: serial story; serial play. ' Stubby Sees it Through '—6; prayers.

BBC Home Service Scottish

As North

BBC Home Service Northern Ireland

Children's Hour: Concert from Scunthorpe.

BBC Home Service North

' Tusker Travels Fast': another story about the baby elephant. Written by Mollie Chappell. Told by John Darran
Thrash it out!
Pupils of the Cardiff High Schools for Boys and Girls assemble in the library to discuss the old but ever-present worry of homework
Hywel Davies in the chair
Argument: that homework is a hindrance to true education
5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by the Rev. R. T. Brooks


Written By:
Mollie Chappell.
Told By:
John Darran

Regional Variations (3)

Nottingham City Police Band; Florence Goulding Ladies Choir.

BBC Home Service Midland

Welsh serial: Teulu Ty Coch.

BBC Home Service Welsh

Talk by Father James Crichton
A great deal of attention has been directed recently to the efforts jnade in France to relate the life of the church to the life of working men. Experiments made in Paris and elsewhere have attracted interest in communions other than the Roman Catholic. Father Crichton has made a special study of the movement and gives some account of its objects and achievements.


Talk By:
Father James Crichton

Regional Variations (3)

Music for All: listeners' requests played by the BBC West of England Light Orchestra.

BBC Home Service West

Caneuon gan Albert Thomas (bas).

BBC Home Service Welsh

Walford Hyden and the Orchestra in a programme of dance music from the Continent and other parts of the world with Maria Perilli
Lina Petrou. Jan Rosol and the Trio Continental
Chef d'Orchestre. Dino Galvani
Produced by C. F. Meehan


Walford Hyden
Maria Perilli
Lina Petrou.
Jan Rosol
Dino Galvani
Produced By:
C. F. Meehan

Regional Variations (3)

Farming Today: Artificial Insemination.

BBC Home Service North

Working and Living': first of six talks by John Mogey, lecturer in Sociology at Oxford University.

BBC Home Service Northern Ireland

Journey in the Middle East
A series of four talks by Julian Duguid
1— ' A City of Jews '
The speaker, who has recently returned from Palestine and Jordan, gives his impressions of Tel Aviv. Mr. Duguid made this journey specialty for the BBC.


Julian Duguid
Tel Aviv.

Regional Variations (2)

A dramatic script by Denis Cannan
Based on the ' Liber Amoris ' of William Hazlitt
Music composed by John Buckland and conducted by Ronald Biggs Production by E. J. King Bull


Script By:
Denis Cannan
William Hazlitt
Composed By:
John Buckland
Conducted By:
Ronald Biggs
Production By:
E. J. King
The Biographer:
Denis Cannan
William Hazlitt:
Eric Portman
Sarah Walker:
Jeanette Tregarthen
Howieson Culff

BBC Home Service Basic

About BBC Home Service

BBC Home Service is a radio channel that started transmitting on the 1st September 1939 and ended on the 29th September 1967.

Appears in

About this data

This data is drawn from the Radio Times magazine between 1923 and 2009. It shows what was scheduled to be broadcast, meaning it was subject to change and may not be accurate. More