Cory Workmen 's Band
Conductor, Walter B. Hargreaves
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A gramophone miscellany
Bible reading and comment by the Rev. J. Owen Jones
and forecast for farmers and shipping
by Bee Nilson
(BBC recording)
Felix King and his Orchestra
Quartet in F, Op. 18 No. 1 played by The Macgibbon String Quartet:
Margot Macgibbon (violin)
Ruth Fourmy (violin) Muriel Tookey (viola) Lilly Phillips (cello)
by Giorgio Borsa
music AND MOVEMENT i, by Marjorie Eele
0 worship the King, all glorious above (BBC Hymn Book 471)
New Every Morning, page 7
Canticle 6, Part 2 (Broadcast Psalter) St. Luke 8. vv. 16-25
Fill thou my life, 0 Lord my God
(BBC Hymn Book 271)
Cecil Norman and the Rhythm Players
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT ii, by Marjorie Eele. ' The Sleeping Princess ' and ' The Fire Dance '
To be repeated tomorrow at 9.45 a.m.
11.40 FRENCH FOR SIXTH FORMS. ' Le Malade Imaginaire,' de Moliere: extraits des scenes suivantes interpreter par les eomediens de la Compagnie Madeleine Renaud—Jean-Louis Barrault :
Acte 1, scenes 1 et 2: Acte 2, scene 6; Acte 3, scenes 3. 10, 12, et 13
Regional Variations (3)
John Tetlow (tenor); Philip Todd (piano).
As North
with Danny Levan and his Sextet
Jimmy Young and Harold Smart at the electric organ
Regional Variations (2)
Douglas Kingsbury (bass); Kathleen Golding (piano).
A midday menu of radio artists known, well known, and unknown with the BBC Variety Orchestra
Conducted by Paul Fenoulhet
Introduced this week by Leslie Sarony
Produced by Stephen Williams
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Reports from Britain and overseas
A programme of records of all flavours presented by Jimmy Dyrenforth
Regional Variations (3)
Schools: First Stages in Welsh.
Schools: Scottish Heritage.
LIVING IN THE COUNTRY.The Post Office.' Script by Ronald Harvey
2.20 GEOGRAPHY. Man and the Surface of the Earth. ' Life on the island of Tahiti.' Script by Robert Gibbings
2.40 ADVENTURES IN ENGLISH. ' Black Beauty.' adapted by Julia Goodey from the book by Anna Sewell
Regional Variations (2)
Rugby: North of Scotland v. the South Africans.
England v. Austria
Regional Variations (2)
Service in Gaelic.
A Devonshire conversation-piece by Eden Phillpotts
Produced by Owen Reed in the BBC West of England studios
Regional Variations (4)
Children's Hour: serial story; serial play. ' Stubby Sees it Through '—6; prayers.
As North
Children's Hour: Concert from Scunthorpe.
' Tusker Travels Fast': another story about the baby elephant. Written by Mollie Chappell. Told by John Darran
Thrash it out!
Pupils of the Cardiff High Schools for Boys and Girls assemble in the library to discuss the old but ever-present worry of homework
Hywel Davies in the chair
Argument: that homework is a hindrance to true education
5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by the Rev. R. T. Brooks
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport.
News, sport.
News, sport.
News. sport.
News, sport.
News. sport
Twentieth-Century Serenaders
Conducted by Monia Liter
Regional Variations (3)
Nottingham City Police Band; Florence Goulding Ladies Choir.
Welsh serial: Teulu Ty Coch.
Talk by Father James Crichton
A great deal of attention has been directed recently to the efforts jnade in France to relate the life of the church to the life of working men. Experiments made in Paris and elsewhere have attracted interest in communions other than the Roman Catholic. Father Crichton has made a special study of the movement and gives some account of its objects and achievements.
Regional Variations (3)
Music for All: listeners' requests played by the BBC West of England Light Orchestra.
Caneuon gan Albert Thomas (bas).
Walford Hyden and the Orchestra in a programme of dance music from the Continent and other parts of the world with Maria Perilli
Lina Petrou. Jan Rosol and the Trio Continental
Chef d'Orchestre. Dino Galvani
Produced by C. F. Meehan
Regional Variations (3)
Farming Today: Artificial Insemination.
Working and Living': first of six talks by John Mogey, lecturer in Sociology at Oxford University.
Journey in the Middle East
A series of four talks by Julian Duguid
1— ' A City of Jews '
The speaker, who has recently returned from Palestine and Jordan, gives his impressions of Tel Aviv. Mr. Duguid made this journey specialty for the BBC.
Regional Variations (2)
Feature: ' The Problem of Sherwood Forest.'
(Concert continued)
Regional Variations (2)
Ulster Mirror
A dramatic script by Denis Cannan
Based on the ' Liber Amoris ' of William Hazlitt
Music composed by John Buckland and conducted by Ronald Biggs Production by E. J. King Bull
A summary of today's proceedings in Paris by the BBC's United Nations correspondent, Bernard Moore