Fred Alexander and his Players
and forecast for farmers and shipping
and his Orchestra
A thought for the day suggested by St. Matthew 18, vv. 21-22: ' How often should I forgive ? '
Speaker, the Rev. Ronald Falconer
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Kenneth Ellis (bass)
Maria Lidka (violin)
0 worship the K'ng (omitting vv. 3 and 5) (S.P 618; A. and M 167: C.H. 9: Tune. Hanover)
Interlude: ' Paul is imprisoned at
Prayers: the Prayer for Friends; the Lord's Prayer
Who wouid true valour see (S.P. 515:
A and M 676: C.H 576: Tune. Monk's Gate
News commentary
Harold Colllinis and his Orchestra
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT i, by Marjorie Eele
This week and next the children will be given more experience in responding quickly to different kinds of music. For these two broadcasts a variety of well-known nursery tunes will be used.
To be repeated tomorrow at 9.45 a.m.
11.20 HISTORY 1. ' The Peasants' Revolt': the story of Wat Tyler , John Ball , and the rising of 1381. Script by Rhoda Power
An imaginary visit to a Gasthaus in the snow-capped mountains of the Tyrol, where you will meet
Tessa Deane , Eddy Reed
Louis Voss and his Tyrolean Band
The Schrammel Quartet
Directed by Augustus Franzel
Introduced by Martin Freud
Produced by Eric Arden
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Shortened version of last Saturday's recorded broadcast)
from Ely Cathedral
Eve of St. Etheldreda, Queen, Abbess of Ely
Versicles and Responses (Smith)
Psalm 45 (Oxford Psalter).
First Lesson: Ecclesiasticus 26, vv. 14-18
Office hymn: Son of a Virgin (E.H. 191)
Magnificat (Plainsong: Fauxbourdons by Healey Willan )
Second Lesson: St. Luke 12, vv. 29-37
Nunc dimittis (Plainsong: Fauxbourdons by Healey Willan)
Creed; Suffrages; Collects
Beati quorum via (Stanford)
Blessed are those that are undefiled in the way and walk in the law of the Lord
Jesu, the Virgin's Crown (E.H. 192)
Versicle and Response; Collect
Organ: Carillon (Herbert Murrill)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard)
Conducted by Walter Goehr
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
and Ms Pennsylvainans on gramophone records
Dr. Charles Hill
Liberal and Conservative candidate for Luton
Ludwig Koch introduces recordings of amusing soundis made by animals and birds
(piano) on gramophone records