Molly Forbes at the BBC theatre organ
and forecast tor farmers and shipping
Conductor, Sidney Bowman
' Encounter '
A series of talks by the Rev. James Houston , Minister of Eglinton Presbyterian Church, Belfast 5
—' A Friend with a Vision '
and forecast for farmers and shipping
by a doctor
Regional Variations (2)
Eisteddfod recordings
Light Orchestra
(Leader, William Mclnulty )
Conducted by Edgar Boucher
John Hauxvell (baritone)
John Aronowitz (piano)
Talk by Diana Petre
Excerpts from ' Otello,' ' Falstaff,' and ' Macbeth ' on gramophone records
Regional Variations (2)
Gwasanaeth Boreol.
The Saviour dy'd, but rose again
(Paraphrase 48, w. 5-8)
New Every Morning, page 99
Psalm 118, vv. 15-24
St. Matthew 14. vv. 1-12
Through the night of doubt and sorrow (A. and M. 274; S.P. 678)
Nat Allen and his Sextet
Conducted by John Thorpe
'The Man-eating Leopard of Rudraprayag ' by James Corbett
Read by Arthur Bush
9—' The End of the Man-Eater '
Regional Variations (3)
Cricket: Warwickshire v. South Africans.
Cricket: Hampshire v. Gloucestershire.
Directed by Tolchard Evans with Marcia Owen
Eric Whitley , Dick James
Orchestrations by Ray Terry
Devised by John Watt
Production by Glyn Jones
from a canteen in Brentford, Middlesex
with Beryl Reid, Val Mernall, Derek Roy
James Moody at the piano
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A weekly sequence of favourite music from gramophone records made by world-famous artists
Lunchtime scoreboard
Bournemouth Municipal Orchestra
(Leader, Edward Armstrong)
Conductor, Rudolf Schwarz
Regional Variations (2)
Directed by Louis Voss with Grace Nevern (soprano)
From the Royal Festival Hall, London
Regional Variations (2)
Children's Hour: serial play, ' In the Service of the Dragon '-2; talk about Blondin. the French trapeze artist.
' Sea Rogues and Land Hoards'
Yarns about pirates and hidden treasure by Lt.-Commander Douglas V. Duff, R.N.V.R.
2—' Cocos Island Treasure '
followed by * No Boats on Bannermere ' by Geoffrey Trease
Adapted by Norma Wilson
2—' An Interest in Crime
-and Sir Alfred'
Produced by Herbert Smith
Shipping and general weather forecasts. followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport.
News, sport.
News, sport.
News. sport
News, sport.
News. sport.
Melodies of the screen in swingtime and symphony played by Louis Levy and his Orchestra and sung by Louise Traill , Carole Carr Bryan Johnson , Ray Burns and the Wardour Singers
Regional Variations (4)
Eisteddifod: 'Samson.' gan Handel. Jennifer Vyvyian (soprano) ; Marjorie Thomas (contralto): David Lloyd (tenor) ; Tom Williams (bass): C6r yr Eisteddfod ;Cerddo,rfa Fhlharmonig Llundain.
Norman Evans in ' Over the Garden Wall.'
Sports preview
The adventures of Shorty, a London taxi-driver by Cyril Campion and the Passenger
Production by Audrey Cameron
Regional Variations (3)
News in Gaelic.
'The Stratford Festival': T. C. Kemp talks about ' Henry V ' at the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre.
on gramophone records
Conducted by Basil Cameron
Beethoven Concert
Overture: Leonora, No. 1
7.43 app. Piano Concerto No. 4. in G
8.19 app. Symphony No. 7, in A
From the Royal Albert Hall, London
Beethoven completed his Fourth Piano Concerto in 1806, the year which also saw the production of the Violin Concerto and the Fourth Symphony. It is the soloist who begins the Piano Concerto by quietly announcing the chief theme, though (at the sixth bar) the orchestra continues it and provides an extended exposition before the piano is heard again. On this theme, with its gently persistent rhythm, most of the movement is based, including the highly elaborate passage-work given to the soloist. The Andante consists of a remarkable dialogue in which the piano pleads its cause against the stern-voiced strings, who are all of one mind among themselves. But sweetness and light win the day, and the final Rondo steals in with a gaily rhythmical theme, thus confirming the general character of the work, which is that of poetic charm and lyrical fluency.
Harold Rutland
Regional Variations (2)
Report and recordings in Welsh made today at the Eisteddfod. Llanrwst.
by Alistair Cooke
Regional Variations (3)
Down to the Seas Again play by Frederick Aicken
Seaside Variety: excerpt from Cynil Fletcher's ' Magpie Masquerade.' from Bournemouth.
' The Masculine Touch '
Written by Colin D. Willock Produced by Charles Maxwell
Regional Variations (2)
Festival Scotland: weekly magazine,
British Association for the Advancement of Science
A report on the 1951 Meeting which opened in Edinburgh on Wednesday
Speakers introduced by Arthur Haslett
The Annual Meeting of the British Association is the principal public forum in Great Britain for the presentation and discussion of progress in science. This year it forms part of the Festival, and aims to review and display the British contribution to science.