Band of the Life Guards
Conducted by Major A . Lemoine
Director of Music
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A gramophone miscellany
Bible reading and comment by the Rev. T. G. A. Baker, Vicar of St. James' Church, Edgibaston, Birmtingham Hebrews 4, vv. 12-16
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Queen's Hall Light Orchestra
(Leader, Reginald Leopold )
Conductor, Sidney Torch
and his Orchestra
(Last Thursday's recorded broadcast)
Directed by Sidney Crooke
Thou whose almigihty Word chaos and darkness heard (A. and M 360; S.P 303)
New Every Morning, page 83
Psalm 119 (6) (Broadcast Psalter) St Matthew 12, vv. 38-50
Jesus calls us! (A. and M. 403; S.P.
John Reymders with his Orchestra
(Leader, Frederick Lunnon )
Conductor, Frank cantell
Doris Gambell (soprano)
(S'hortened version of Monday's recorded broadcast in the Light Programme)
and forecast for farmers and shippimg
Ted Ray introduces a programme for Services everywhere
Anne Crawford , Jack Watson and' a sporting celebrity
Lunchtime scoreboard
Shipping and general weather forecasts, folilowed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Eirene White , m.p., gives her impressions of what she heard and saw in Parliament
by Aimee Stuart adapted for radio by Dorothy Smith
Production by Martyn C. Webster