Leicester Imperial Band
Conductor, S. H. Iliffe
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A gramophone miscellany
A talk by the Rev. Ronald Selby Wright, Minister of the Canon-gate Kirk, Edinburgh
A.H.S. (1839-1912). A curate for fifty years, there was one honour he could not refuse ... he could not stop London giving him a public funeral.
and forecast for farmers and shopping
by Christine Andrews.
Two light summer sweets with a basis of stale bread.
(BBC recording)
Woolf Phillips and his Orchestra
by Clifton Utley
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT i. by Marjorie Eele
My God. I love thee (A. and M 106; S.P 110)
New Every Morning, page 93
Psalm 119 (part 7) (Broadcast psalter)
St. Matthew 2. vv. 13-23
O Love who formedst me (A. and M 192; S.P 608)
Primo Scala and his Accordion Band
reviews new records
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Reports from Britain and overseas
and his Latin American Music
British Open Championship
Henry Longhurst reports on progress u.p to the third day
From Portrush. Northern Ireland
Lunchtime scoreboard
by Elizabeth Milne
Produced by James Crampsey in the BBC's Scottish studios
Henley Royal Regatta
Further report
Further results and commentaries
From Wimbledon
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Highlights of the Show World
Produced by Alastair Scott-Johnston
in wartime comradeship with the people of Britain and Dedication of the Roll of Honour
Impressions of this morning's service in St. Paul's Cathedral presented with recorded extracts by Wynford Vaughan Thomas
Margaret Rawlings
Athene Seyler
Diana Morgan
Margaret Lindsay
GiLbert Harding
John Betjeman
In the chair, Roy Plomley
Production by Pat Dixon