Pressed Steel Company
Works Band
Conductor, H. W. V. Roberts
and forecast for farmers and shipping
featuring Jack Collins with Billy Mayerl (piano)
' Songs of Faith '
Readings from
Psalms 130 and 1.39
and forecast for farmers and shipping
by Edna Thorpe
(BBC recording)
Roberto Inglez and his Orchestra
Basil Parsons (baritone)
Donald Andrew (oboe)
by J. B. McGeachy
Associate Editor of the Toronto Globe and Mail
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT I, by Marjorie Eele
Father most holy, merciful and tender
(S.P. 186)
New Every Morning, page 50 Canticle 2. (Broadcast Psaiter) Hosea 5. v. 13, to 6, v. 6
Give light, 0 Lord (A. and M. 700)
The Robin Richmond Trio
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Reports from Britain and overseas
Shipping and general weather forecasts.
H. R. Jukes talks about spawning trout and their annual battle to the headwaters of our rivers
Part 1
See Music Diary'