Sydney Gustard at the BBC theatre organ
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Conducted by Lou Whiteson
Bible reading and comment by the Rev. Glyn Parry-Jones
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Talk by a doctor
Praise, my soul. the King of Heaven
(A. and M. 298; S.P. 623; C.H. 21 (omitting v. 4): Tune, Praise, my soul)
Interlude: 'Jesus returns to
Nazareth '
Prayers: the Prayer of St. Ignatius
Loyala; the Lord's Prayer
Oesus. good above aU other (S.P. 540
(omitting v. 4): Tune, Quern Pastores laudavere)
Camilla Castelli (mezzo-soprano)
Ernest Lush (piano)
Eileen Grainger (viola)
PROSE AND VERSE READINGS. ' An Unwelcome Visitor ' and ' The Hare's Escape ' from the letters of William Cowper ' The Columlbriad' and ' Epitaph on a Hare ' from the poems of William Cowper
Love divine, all loves excelling (A. and M. 520; S.P. 573)
New Every Morning, page 15
Psalm 111 (Broadcast Psalter)
' St. John 20, vv. 1-10
The Church's one foundation- (A. and M. 215; S.P.249)
Jimmy Leach and the New Organolians
from a canteen in County Fermanagh
with Betty Driver, Enso Toppano, Forsythe and Seamon
James Moody at the piano
and forecast for farmers and shipping
and his Quintet
TRAVEL TALKS. Round the Pacific: Norman Zimmern talks about life in Ecuador
2.20 LET'S join IN. ' True Tales of a Monkey,' written for broadcasting by J. E. Sutcliffe
2.40 LOOKING AT THINGS. ' Enjoying Pictures': Ian Fleming-Williams talks about enjoying pictures, with special reference to those reproduced in the pamphlet for schools
Conducted by John Hopkins
and forecast for farmers and shipping
presents some records from his collection
with Kay Hammond , Joyce Grenfell Gladys Young. Charmian Innes John Clements , Gilbert Harding
In the Chair, Roy Plomley
Production by Pat Dixon
(BBC recordinig)