Callender's Band
Conductor, Charles Waters
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A gramophone miscellany
Bible reading: St. Luke 24, w.
. 13-16 and 28-31. Comment written by the Rev. C. E. B. Cranfield of Trinity Methodist Church, Cleethorpes
and forecast for farmers and shipping
by Betty Griggs
(BBC recording)
Felix King and his Orchestra
Jean Merlow and Janetta McStay
Talk by Anthony Huxley
Last year, in the company of two ornithologists, Anthony Huxley visited by yacht four lonely, often inaccessible, islets north of Scotland, remarkable for their sea-birds and seals and for their history.
Records of his instrumental music
The day of resurrection (A. and M.
132; S.P. 146)
New Every Morning, page 7 Psalm 8 Colossians 3, w. 1-11
Christ the Lord is risen! (Oxford
Book of Carols 148)
Syd Dean and his Band
A musical drama of the west
Written and produced by Charles Chilton
' Slim's Last Ride '
May Sabeston (soprano)
Norina Semino (cello)
Charles Ernesco and his Orchestra
Regional Variations (4)
As North
Elsie Cole (soprano); Monte Stanford (saxophone).
with Claude Dampier , Jon Pertwee
Betty Paul , Bertie Hare
Five Smith Brothers
BBC Revue Orchestra
Conducted by Frank Cantell
Script by Ronnie Hanbury
Produced by George Inns
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (2)
Service in Gaelic.
Reports from Britain and overseas
Conducted by Arwel Hughes
Sydney Harrison (piano)
by Irene Boyd
by L. Gillett
Plays produced by David H. Godfrey
Regional Variations (4)
Margaret Lewis-Jones (soprano); Gwyneth Jervis (mezzo-soprano).
Eddie McGarry and his Band.
As North
Bettine Young (soprano) John Wills (accompanist)
Gordon Watson (piano)
with Derek Bond and Barbara Murray
A comedy adventure in eight episodes by Max Kester
6—‘ A Dead Cert'
Production by Vernon Harris
Regional Variations (3)
Children's Hour: including I Want to be an Actor.'
Children's Hour: serial, 'Mr. Bunt-Gardener.'
'The Wonderful Easter Egg':story by Dora Nash , told by May D. Jenkin (Elizabeth)
Songs for the younger ones by Guelda Waller
5.30 ' 'Siddha, my Siamese Cat,' by Nellie Koch
5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by John G. Williams
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (7)
News sport.
News. sport.
News. sport.
News. sport
News. sport.
News. sport.
and Neville Williams in ' Sweet airs that give delight' with the Frank Cordell
Chamber, Orchestra
Introduced by Joy Worth
Produced by Douglas Moodie
W. Kay Robinson introduces some of Ludwig Koch 's recordings of birds that may be seen or heard this month
Produced by Desmond Hawkins
Regional Variations (2)
Ein Pentre Ni: Gwauncae-Gurwen.
Highlights of the Show World
You are invited to listen to stars of the stage, screen, radio, and concert platform, and the music of the orchestra
Produced by Alastair Scott-Johnston
Regional Variations (2)
Discussion on Bible reading.
by George V. Ferguson
George Ferguson , who was born in Scotland, is editor of the Montreal Star
( from the International Service of the CBC)
Regional Variations (2)
Canadian Commentary.
Part 1
Part 2
(Rafael Kubelik broadcasts by permission of Harold Holt, Ltd.)
The symphonies by Martinu and Dvorak are to be broadcast again tomorrow in the Third Programme
Regional Variations (6)
Feature An English Village. 5— Conclusions and the Future.
Melody for Late Evening.
Discussion: The Scottish Novel.
Arts Magazine.
Spring Salad': a seasonable snack by Ruddick Millar
Margery Fry reflects on some of the changes which the education of women has brought about in the last hundred years
She illustrates her talk with extracts from some contemporary sources
Lilian Duff introduces a gramophone programme of Continental artists