Felton Rapley at the BBC theatre organ
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A gramophone miscellany
A talk by Geoffrey Sale , Head-master of King's School, Bruton, Somerset
and forecast for farmers and shipping
by the Radio Doctor
Regional Variations (2)
Ben Bore.
BBC Northern Ireland Light Orchestra
Conductor, David Curry
Olive Rees and Mary Madden
(two pianos)
' Jimma and Jet-Expulsion '
and his Serenade Orchestra
Feast of the Epiphany
The first Noel the angels did say (S.P.
New Every Morning (revised) 96 Psalm 29 (Broadcast Psalter) St. Matthew 2, vv. 1-12
As with gladness (A. and M. 79; S.P.
Jack Nathan and his Band
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Dramatised for broadcasting by David Stringer
Produced by Ayton Whitaker
5-' Foul Play'
(Continued in next column)
Other parts played by Donald Gray Andrew Churchman. Charles Mortimer
Gareth Morris (flute)
Philharmonic String Trio:
David Martin (violin)
Max Gilbert (viola)
James Whitehead (cello)
Regional Variations (2)
Farm Forum.
Lew Stone and his Orchestra
From a canteen in Streatham, London
with The George Mitchell Choir, Terry Scott, Turner Layton
James Moody at the piano
Introduced and produced by Bill Worsley
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (2)
For Midland Farmers.
A record programme of favourite music, sung and played by world-famous artists of the past and present
Conductor, Gilbert Vinter
Janet Fraser (contralto)
Regional Variations (2)
Talk by Francis House, BBC Head of Religious Broadcasting.
William Aspden introduces some of Ludwig Koch 's recordings of birds that may be seen or heard this month
Produced by Desmond Hawkins
Today's Variety on records
Introduced by Benny Lee
Five experts on films, theatre, books, radio, and art
Conducted by John Summerson
3.46 Films: Connery Chappell
3.55 Theatre: Philip Hope-Wallace
4.3 Books: Alan Pryce Jones
4.12 Radio: Giles Romilly
4.20 Art: Christian Barman
Regional Variations (2)
Patricia Doherty (soprano); Jean Magrath (contralto); Norman McCaw (tenor); Claire Mathews (cello)
Chappie D'Amato's Mixed Grill
‘Woggis’ : a serial story by Geoffrey Lapage , told by David Davis. 2—' Woggis Runs Away '
‘Spread Eagle
A new serial play in six parts by Aubrey Feist being a sequel to ' High Barbary ' 2—‘ The Man With Many Names
Production by Derek McCulloch
In Part I you heard how Jeremy Shafto was summoned by his old triend, Andre de Marsac , to his uncle' chateau near St. Malo. De Marsac is in trouble. He has been sent the mysterious sign of the Spread Eagle, a secret anarchist society tnreatening the existence of the new republic in the Franc- of Louis-Napoleon.
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (7)
News. sport.
News. sport.
News, sport.
News sport.
News, sport
News, sport.
Wallas Eaton welcomes some of the newer voices in radio
Les Crossley and his Harmonica Rascals
Louise Traill
Walter Jackson
Stanley Black and the Dance Orchestra
Script by Anthony Bentine and Peter Griffiths
Produced by Dennis Main Wilson
Regional Variations (2)
Hwyrol Weddi.
Personal portraits of Mao-tse-Tung, Chou-en-Lai, and Chu-Teh by Arthur Mathers
How are we to follow what is happening in China without being confused? Might it not be helpful to know something about the Chinese Communist leaders who now control the bulk of this vast country ot 500 million people? Arthur Mathers , who was formerly Far Eastern Correspondent of the Daily Telegraph and for the last nine years has been in the Far East, has seen Chinese Communism in operation in many areas* His long discussions with these three Communist leaders enable him to portray them in a colourful and intimate way.
Regional Variations (5)
Have a Go!
The Chamber Music Players.
Radio Ruffles.
and L'Orchestre Pesson in a programme of songs made famous by Maurice Chevalier
Produced by Tom Ronald
Regional Variations (4)
Listeners' letters.
Learning Welsh.
Items of topical interest
Introduced by Howard Marshall
Regional Variations (2)
The story of the sculptor. Joseph Edwards.
Jerome K. Jerome 's famous sequel to ' Three Men In A Boat' dramatised for radio by John Jowett with Joan Clement Scott
Georgie Henschel , John Sharp Dennis McCarthy. Ian Sadler Production by Vernon Harris
What is a ' Bummcl '? Let Jerome give the answer, as he doe< in the final paragraph of his well-loved book. * A " Bummel " I should describe as a Journey, long or short, without an end; the only thing regulating it being the necessity of getting back within a given time to the point from which one started. Sometimes It is through busy streets, and sometimes through the fields and lanes: sometimes we can be spared for a few hours; and sometimes for a few days. But long or short, but here or there, our thoughts are ever on the running of the sand. We nod and smile to many as we pass; with some we stop and talk awhile; and with a few we walk a little way. We have been much interested, and often a little tired. But on the whole we have had a pleasant time, and are sorry when 'tis over.'
Regional Variations (4)
Any Questions? From Salisbury.
View-' point.
Town Forum from Birmingham.
by Alistair Cooke
A lighthearted discussion on general topics between
Kay Hammond Yvonne Arnaud Joyce Grenfell
Charmian Innes
John Clements
Denis Brogan
In the chair, Roy Plomley
Production by Pat Dixon
Regional Variations (3)
A Lady in a Cage': play by P. S. Laughlin
Story by David H. Fergus.
Mary Jarred (contralto)
Frederick Stone (accompanist)
Antonio Brosa (violin) Kathleen Long (piano) In spite of their late opus number,
Schubert's three Sonatinas for violin and piano were in fact written in 1816, when he was nineteen. No. 2 in A minor, with its wistful opening, is a particularly graceful example of the composer's youthful style. It has four movements: Allegro moderato, Andante, Minuetto (Allegro), and Allegro.
The freshness and charm that characterise Beethoven's Op. 24 (which is in the same key as his Pastoral Symphony) have gained for it the name of the Spring Sonata. Harold Rutland