Marcel Gardner and his Serenade Orchestra
and forecast for farmers and shipping
on gramophone records
Reading, with comment, on the theme ' The Inner Life of the Christian.' (Corinthians 1, Revised Standard Version)
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (2)
Bore Da!
and his Concert Orchestra
Muriel Burnett (soprano)
Haydn Rogerson (cello)
Josephine Lee (accompanist)
At thy feet. 0 Christ, we lay (A. and M. 6, omitting v. 3: S.P. 24; C.H. 265. omitting v. 3: Tune, Heathlands)
Interlude: David Livingstone '
Prayers: the Prayer for Help; the Lord's Prayer
Forth in thy name, 0 Lord, I go
(omitting v. 2) (A. and M. 8; S.P. 29: C.H. 651: Tune, Angel's Song with gathering notes)
The dramatic interlude is about the early life of David Livingstone and illustrates the phrase in the Lord's Prayer, ' Thy will be done.'
Regional Variations (3)
As Wales.
I Ysgolion Cymru: 'Cwrs y Byd.'
Some of the music by Delius to James Elroy Flecker 's play on gramophone records
News commentary
Regional Variations (2)
Gwasanaeth Boreol.
Judge eternal, throned in splendour
(S.P. 552)
New Every Morning (revised) 68 Psalm 104 (Broadcast Psalter) St. Matthew 2, w. 1-12
Father, who on man dost shower
(S.P. 340)
The Bobby Howell Orchestra
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT I, by Muriel Sandell
To be repeated tomorrow at 9.45 a.m.
11.20 HISTORY I. 'Bartholomew Fair': a great gathering for trade and entertainment in medieval London. Script by Gladys Scott Thomson
The broadcast tells how a family goes to the Fair. The time of the story is the fourteenth century, when Edward HI was King of England.
11.40 PANORAMA. Law and Order: ' I Can Help the Law.' Script by Jenifer Wayne
This week's programme tells of the duties oi the citizen to the law, and the contribution he can make to the proper administration of justice in the country.
Victor Silvester 's
Strings for Dancing
from a canteen in Leicester
with Ronnie Ronalde, Margaret Eaves and Bob Monkhouse
James Moody at the piano
Produced and introduced by Bill Worsley
and forecast for farmers and shipping
ADVENTURES IN MUSIC. Tchaikovsky's ballet, ' Casse-Noisette.' The first of two talks by Arthur Langford
2.35 SENIOR ENGLISH II. ' Comic Situations and Comic Rhymes': a poetry programme by Penelope Knox
Programme includes Lewis Carroll's ' A Wild Song.' ' Alas. Alack' by Walter de la Mare. and ' King Good-heart' and ' A Nightmare ' by W. S. Gilbert
from Llandaff Cathedral
The Lord's Prayer
Versicles and Responses Psalms 126-131
First Lesson: Esther 4
Magnificat (Hunt in E flat)
Second Lesson: St. John 14, vv. 15-31 Nunc dimittis (Hunt in E flat)
Creed, the Lord's Prayer, Versicles and Responses
Anthem: The King of love my
Shepherd is (Somervell)
Organ voluntary: Overture. Sosarme
Organist and Master of the Choristers.
Dr. Thomas Hallford
Regional Variations (4)
The Christian Outlook.'
As Midland
As Midland.
' London Revisited ' by Ngaio Marsh
Ngaio Marsh, whose detective novels are widely read in this country, lives in New Zealand. She is paying her first visit to
Britain since 1938, and finds many changes in us—in our attitude to life, in our speech, and in our critical standards.
Regional Variations (2)
Pamela Stone (soprano); Strathmore Bolt (baritone); Daphne Spottiswoode (piano).
London r. Belfast: Round 6
Twelve contests between a resident team in London and a challenging team in Belfast
London. Denis Brogan. Hubert Phillips. Quiz-Master:
Lionel Hale Belfast: James Boyce. Magdalen King-Hall . Quiz-Master: Gilbert Harding
Anona Winn's Lucky Dip
Regional Variations (4)
Children's Hour: feature.
Children's Hour: play
Awr y Plant.
'Bedtime Music': a rhyming story by Wilma Horsbrugh followed by 'The White-Starred Hare'
A fairy play by Kathleen Fidler for the younger listeners and Produced by Kathleen Garscadden
Records of Scottish Dance Tunes
5.40 Current Affairs : a series of talks by Harry Rée
Harry Rée. who has been visiting Strasbourg, gives an account of the work being done at the first meetings of the Council of Europe.
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport.
News, sport.
News sport.
News. sport
News, sport.
News, sport.
Directed by Arthur Davies
George Eskdale (trumpet)
Augustus Lowe (organ)
Introduced by Paul Martin
Produced by Frank Hooper From Luton Grammar School
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
Regional Variations (3)
Variety Fanfare.
' Y Llyfrau Gwynion.' gan Bob Owen.
An anonymous confession by the editor of an old-established magazine
Regional Variations (2)
The Rivals.' by Sheridan
Harold Warrender is referee In a game to test the wits and imagination of three victims
Victims: Patricia Burke
Kim Peacock , Frank Muir
Inquisitors: Sonia Dresdel
Humphrey Lestocq
Alan Campbell-Johnson
Devised by Victor Silvester, Jnr.
Script by Kevin McGarry
With additional sketches by Godfrey Harrison
and Alec Harrison
Production by Frederick Piffard
Regional Variations (3)
Parents' questions about education."
Feature on Peter McNeill.
The Story of a Dominion by D. G. Bridson with music composed by Douglas Lilburn
I Arrive Back in London
Wynford Vaughan Thomas sums up on his return
Regional Variations (2)
Round the World in Eight Days.
Fourth Quarter. '49 by Geoffrey Crowther
The Editor of The Economist examines the standing of sterling and the economic balance of Britain today. The fourth quarter of the year begins this week
Regional Variations (2)
Rhwyng Difrif a Chwarae.
with Kitty Bluett
Fred Yule , Peter Sellers
Patricia Hayes , Leslie Perrlns
Bob Pearson
and Alf Pearson
The Beaux and the Belles
Stanley Black and the Dance Orchestra
Script by Ronnie Hanbury and Eddie Maguire
Additional material by George Wadmore
Produced by George Inns
Regional Variations (5)
As North
BBC Midland Light Orchestra.
(285.7 m.) Feature: A Bridge at High Level.'
Melody for Late Evening.
(born September 27. 1879)
Piano Concerto played by Kendall Taylor and the BBC Northern Orchestra
Conductor, Charles Groves
4--Concluding Remarks by Professor Michael Foster
Report on the day's proceedings of the General Assembly at the United Nations Headquarters, New York