John Howlett at the organ of the Odeon, Leicester Square
and forecast for farmers and shipping
BBC Revue Orchestra
Conductor, Frank Cantell
' The Old Covenant': Reading, with comment, from Exodus 19
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Conducted by Harry Platts
Elizabeth Scott (mezzo-soprano)
Virginia McLean (piano)
Fill thou my life (A. and M. 708. omitting vv. 5 and 6; S.P. 492: Tune. Richmond)
Interlude: 'Paul and Onesimus'
Prayers; the Prayer for Forgiveness; the Lord's Prayer
Blest are the pure in heart (A. and M. 261: SP. 455; C.H. 478: Tune, Francoma)
by Mozart and Elgar on gramophone records
News commentary
There Is a green hill far away; New Every Morning (rev.) 26; Psalm 31 ; Ezra 3; Take up thy cross, the Saviour said
Anton and his Orchestra
11.20 HISTORY I. ' A New St. Paul's ' : how London's cathedral was rebuilt by Sir Christopher Wren. Script by Gladys Scott Thomson
11.40 panorama. European Reconstruction. 'A Living from the Sea: Norway rebuilds her fishing and trading fleet.' Script by Eilif Froshaug , based on material supplied by Theodore Broch
Reg Pursglove with his Music Makers
from Chester-le-Street, Durham
and forecast for farmers and shipping
ADVENTURES IN music. 'Petrushka': illustrated talk by Roger Fiske
2.35 SENIOR ENGLISH II. ' Markheim ': a short story by Robert Louis Stevenson adapted by Philippa Pearce
from York Minster
Confession. Absolution. the Lord's Prayer
Versicles and Responses (Byrd)
Psalms 108 and 109
First Lesson: Exodus 14, vv. 15-31
Magnificat (Weelkes, Short Service)
Second Lesson: Ephesians 4. vv. 1-16
Nunc dimittis (Weelkes, Short Service)
Creed and Collects
Salvator mundi (Blow)
Master of the Music, Francis Jackson
London v Cardiff: Round 7
Nursery Rhyme Records
' Pythagoras finds his Family': story by Modwena Sedgwick , told by David Davis
Songs by the Beckenham County
Grammar School for Girls Conductor, S. Nancy Wiseman
AccompanistMargaret C. Cooper
5.40 ' Character in Handwriting': a talk by Delino '
and forecast for farmers and shipping
by Clifton Utley
Settings of poems by Goethe sung by Arthur Reckless (baritone)
Wer sich der Einsamkeit ergibt
An die Tiiren will ich schleichen Wer nie sein Brod mit Thränen ass
Anakreons Grab
Der Rattenfanger