Gramophone records
Peter Yorke and his Miniature Orchestra
Passages on the theme of the Resurrection from ' The New Testament in English ' translated by Monsignor Ronald Knox
and forecast for farmers and shipping
by ' The Radio Doctor '
Overture in the Italian Style, In C (Schubert); Concerto for oboe and strings (Cimarosa); Scherzo (A Midsummer Night's Dream) (Mendelssohn); Variations and Fugue on ' Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree ' (Weinberger): on gramophone records
and Gwendolen Mason (harp)
Alleluia! hearts to heaven: N.E.M. 93; Psalm 103: St. John 21; Jesus lives!
Al Flush and his Orchestra
Conductor, Jani Strasser
Jan Berenska and his Orchestra with Jack Wilson (piano)
from a canteen in London with Jean Melville at the piano
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Eddie Carroll and his Music
BBC Northern Orchestra
Conducted by Michael Mudie
An interlude of Italian music
John Lewis (tenor) with Troise and his Serenaders
Presented by Eric Arden
Sonata in C minor. Op. 30 No. 2 played by Maria Lidka (violin) and Franz Reizenstein (piano)
S. J. Capes presents gramophone records from his collection
Conducted this week by Eric Newton
4.16 Films: Basil Wright
4.25 Theatre: Philip Hope-Wallace
4.33 Books: Malcolm Muggeridge
4.40 Radio: M. R Ridley
4.48 Art: Anthony Bertram
' Niger Adventure '
A feature programme by Howard Jones, based on the exploits of Kungo Park in his quest for the River Niger in 1796 Produced by David Davis
With Alec Ross. Charles Lefeaux Keith Lloyd, Stephen Jack, Richard George. Harry Quashie. Roger Snowdon. Norman Shelley, Macdonald Parke. Miriam Karlin and Brendan Clegg
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Sport and topical talk
A radio parlour game with Richard Dimbleby, Anona Winn, Daphne Padel, and Jack Train asking all the questions and Stewart MacPherson knowing (almost) all the answers. Programme presented by Alick Hayes
Talk by The Rt. Hon. James Griffiths, M.P., Minister of National Insurance