Reynolds Payne and his Orchestra
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Jack Leon and his Orchestra
Reading from James Reid 's book. ' Facing Life with Christ'
and forecast for farmers and shipping
and his Orchestra with Arthur Dulay and Sidney Davey at two pianos
Gramophone records of Tino Rossi
played by the Masqueraders
from page 85 of "New Every Morning" and page 10 of "Each Returning Day". Jesus, where'er thy people meet; Psalm 2, vv. 1-11; St. Mark 14, vv. 1-9; Hark, the glad sound! the Saviour comes
The Butlin Light Orchestra Conducted by John Thorpe
Conductor. Mansel Thomas
Trefor Jones (tenor)
From the Grand Pavilion, Porthcawl
Stanley Black and the Dance Orchestra
Recording of yesterday's broadcast in the Light Programme
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Band of the Coldstream Guards
Conducted by Captain Douglas A. Pope ,
Director of Music (soloist. Musician A. Hakin >)
Regional Variations (4)
BBC Scottish Orchestra.
Piano Interlude
BBC Scottish Orchestra.
BBC Scottish Orchestra
Conductor, Ian Whyte
Regional Variations (2)
Rugby Football: Ireland v. Australia.
Ireland V. Australia
A commentary by Rex Alston on the second half of the International match. From Lansdowne Road, Dublin
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
Regional Variations (3)
Can I help you? ' by Douglas Houghton.
'White Man's Hands': story by Rosamund Nowak.
I The End of the Poor Law': Douglas Houghton explains what is in the new National Assistance Bill
Regional Variations (4)
Children's Hour (including ' Worzel Gummidge ').
Children's Hour (including play. The Queen of Loneliness ')
Children's Hour (Including Nursery Sing-Song and Current Affairs Quiz).
' Luckiest of All': a story by George Baker , told by May E. Jenkin ('Elizabeth') followed by * Worzel Gummidge and the Treasure Ship' by Barbara Euphan Todd. Produced by May E. Jenkin. 4-' Washing Day'
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (5)
News talk.
Regional news
Regional news.
Sports results.
Regional Variations (4)
Spruhan Kennedy (piano).
Saturday Sports Review.
The Week in the West.
Edited by Angus Mackay
Introduced by Lionel Marson
Summaries of the main events of the day
Rugby Union: Ireland v. Australia. Rex Alston reports on the match from Dublin
Angling: Lt.-Colonel E. F. W. MacKenzie, Director of Water Examination to the Metropolitan Water Board, discusses the measures being taken to prevent pollution of British rivers
Regional Variations (4)
News in Welsh.
' Those were the Days!'
Ulster Sports Bulletin
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra play old-time dance music, and Arthur Servent entertains with old-time ballads
Script written and programme introduced by Patric Curwen
Dancing instruction by Sidney Thompson
Producer. Stanton Jefferies
Regional Variations (5)
Ulster Bands
' For Export Only.'
Sport in the Midlands.
In Town Tonight.'
Interesting people who are
' In Town Tonight' interviewed by Roy Rich
Programme edited by C. F. Meehan
Maurice Webb , M.P., gives his impressions of what he heard and saw in Parliament
with George Betton
Albert Whelan
Suzette Tarri
Freddie Bamberger and Pam
Mary Naylor
Vie Oliver
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conducted by Rae Jenkins
Announcer, Lionel Marson
Producer, John Sharman
by Dodie Smith
Adapted for broadcasting and produced by John Richmond
Scene: A small village on the north-west coast of Scotland
Regional Variations (3)
Family Prayers.
A form for Compline