and forecast for farmers and shipping
and his Orchestra.
on gramophone records
Quartet in E flat, for clarinet and strings. Op. 8 No. 4 (Karl Stamitz); Terzetto for two violins and viola (Dvorak); Czech Dance: Oves (Smetana)
Sixth of a series of services on The Beatitudes (St. Matthew 5, vv. 3-10); conducted by the Rev. W. F. Flemington , of Wesley House, Cambridge
Introduction Prayer
Reading: St. Matthew 21, w. 1-16
Ride on! ride on in majesty! (M.H.B.
192; A. and M. 99)
Lift up your heads, ye gates of brass
(M.H.B. 265; A. and M. 586)
O for a heart to praise my God
(M.H.B. 550; A. and M. 549)
John Blore and his Orchestra
'Companionable Music': illustrated talk by Herbert Howells
Desmond Shawe-Taylor reviews some recent issues
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
Readings and dramatised extracts from modern American humorous writers. 3-' Lendludd and Pottner,' from ' Parm Me!' by Arthur Kober , and a fable by James Thurber. Cast includes Peter Madden , Natalie Lynn , Hal Thompson , and Leonard Sachs. Produced by Felix Felton
This week's artists include Claudio Arrau , Elisabeth Schumann , and Emanuel Feuermann : on records
by Dilys Powell
'Surprises in Russia': talk by Captain Harry Ree, on some of the things he heard and saw during a recent visit to Russia.
George Melachrino and his String Orchestra, with Freddie Phillips (Spanish guitar)
sung by the BBC Chorus, conducted by George Thalben-Ball
' Poultry in the Garden,' by H. R. C. Kennedy , of the Farm Institute, Penkridge, and James G. Bain , Chairman of the Bradmore Domestic Poultry-keepers' Club, near Wolverhampton
Broadcasters v. Listeners
Broadcasters: Jeanne de Casalis (actress), Laelia Finneberg (singer), Alvar Lidell (announcer), Victor Silvester (band leader), Leon Cortez (comedian), Ronald Waldman (producer)
Listeners: Ernest Betts (radio critic). Millicent Brown (housewife), Mildred McArthy (shop assistant), Thomas B. Scotcher (business man), Alan Johnson (schoolboy), Signalman Ted Jones. (Service man)
Spelling-Master, Wynford Vaughan Thomas. Programme arranged and presented by Joan Clark
(Leader, Laurance Turner )
Conductor, John Barblrolli
Nora Gruhn (soprano)
Percy Heming (baritone)
From the King's Hall, Belle Vue , Manchester
(From ' As You Like It '). Arranged by Herbert Farjeon and produced by Douglas Cleverdon
David Lloyd James introduces people whose activities or personalities have been of special interest in the past few days
' Children in Denmark ': Karen Knudsen , a Danish girl staying in England, describes her life in Denmark during the war
Songs of Spring-time, sung by the English Singers Quartet
' Window-Box Gardening ': ': plan to brighten bombed cities, described by Mrs. V. A. Higgins
Verses for Palm Sunday read by May Jenkin (' Elizabeth ') and W. E. Davis (' David
5.45 A short service for Palm Sunday
and forecast for farmers and shipping
6.10 National Savings announcements
Music for Sunday eventide, given by Trevor Ling (boy-soprano), and George Thalben-Ball (organ).
and his Music, with Jack Cooper
3-John and Rosamond Lehmann on the Isle of Wight. Produced by Stephen Potter
Alistair Cooke
from All Saints, Margaret Street , London, conducted by the Vicar, the Rev. Cyril E. Tomkinson
Versicles and Responses Psalm 130
First Lesson: Isaiah 59. vv. 16-19
Office Hymn: The royal banners forward go (E.H. 94; A. and M. 96)
Magnificat (Viadana)
Second Lesson: St. John 12, vv. 12-19 Nunc dimittis (Viadana) Creed and Collects
Blessed Jesu (Dvordk) Sermon
Drop. drop. slow tears (E.H. 98) Blessing
Organist, W. S. Lloyd Webber
Appeal on behalf of the National Association of Discharged Prisoners' Aid Societies, by Alexander Paterson , M.C., H.M. Commissioner of Prisons
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to [address removed]
by Charlotte Bronte. Adapted for broadcasting by Barbara Couper. Produced by Howard Rose. Episode 8
5-Benjamin Farrington on ' What Light from the Ancient World? '
Produced by Val Gielgud. Other episodes tomorrow, on Wednesday. on Friday, and on Easter Sunday
' The Secret of Happiness.' Psalm 37, vv. 1-11; Matthew 21, vv. 1-16. Ride on! ride on in majesty! (A. and M. 99). Matthew 5, v. 5
Edited by Patric Dickinson , including an extract from Shakespeare's 'Love's Labour's Lost '; poems by W. H. Auden , W. B. Yeats , and Rupert Brooke ; and Spenser's Prothalamion.' Readers, Joyce Redman (by permission of the Old Vic Theatre Company) and Andrew Cruickshank
Kathleen Ferrier (contralto)
Orchestral music on records