and Home Service programme sum-' mary
Exercises for men : Coleman Smith
Exercises for women : May Brown At the pianos. Barbara Laing and Lena Blackman.
Gramophone records of his Piano Sonata, No... 1. in C, Op. 24
Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of Lichfleld
Programme Parade
The Radio Doctor
and his Orchestra.
Gramophone records
Recorded messages from British children staying as war guests in Australia. Arranged in collaboration with the Australian Broadcasting Commission
at the theatre organ
News commentary
from page 9 of "New Every Morning" and page 54 of "Each Returning Day". Songs of praise the angels sang; Psalm 93; Happy are they, they that love God
Conductor, Harold Moss
11.0 SCOTTISH HERITAGE : ' Dunfermline Abbey", by Kathleen Goldle
11.20 CURRENT AFFAIRS, discussed by experts
11.40 MUSIC AND THE DANCE, by John Horton.
' Contrasts ' : the. broadcast is about slower and quicker dance-tunes of present and past day,s, and how some of the older ones came to be arranged In sets, or suites.
Audrey Piggott (cello); Dorothea Aspinall (piano); George Parker (baritone)
from Midlands and the North : war-workers in two widely separated factories combine to entertain you and their fellow workers in the lunch-hour break. Introduced by Godfrey Baseley in the Midlands, and Victor Smythe in the North
(arranged in collaboration with ENSA). BBC Northern Orchestra, conducted by Louis Cohen
From a factory in the North West
1.50 FOR RURAL SCHOOLS (England). Finding out about Dylsford. ' 'Dylsford Fair', by Honor Wyatt
2.10 Interval music
2.15 GENERAL SCIENCE. Science and the Future. 2—Building the House : ' Our Observer' finds out something about building in the next century
2.35 Interval music
2.40 JUNIOR ENGLISH. Three short Russian stories to think about, by Tolstoy
Stanley Black and the Dance Orchestra
with Nora Gruhn
4.0 ' It's Your Funerals by Lionel Brown , produced by Hugh Stewart
Other parts played by Gladys Spencer. Foster Carlin , and Molly Rankin
by Barnard Stacey
Can mlynedd i'r flwyddyn hon cyrhaeddodd helyntion y ffyrdd tyrpeg a'u toll-byrth i'w hanterth. Adroddir yr hanes gran y Parch. J. Dyfnallt Owen. (Talk in Welsh)
5.20 ' The Blue China Hippopotamus ', adapted by Geoffrey Dearmer from the fairy tale by Joan Grant
5.50 Talk by Laurens Sargent
National and Regional announcements
Produced by the Armed Forces Radio Service of the War Department of the United States of America.
BBC Symphony Orchestra (Leader, Paul Beard ) : conductor, Sir Adrian Boult
Part 1
From the Royal Albert Ha ll, London
Wyn Griffith , of the Board of Inland Revenue, explains details of the new ' Pay-as-you-earn income-tax scheme, in the series ' Can I Help You ? '
Part 2
From the Royal Albert Hall, London
The story of the last stages of the fighting which brought victory in Tunisia, told by men who either took part in or witnessed the fighting - the fighting men and the war-correspondents, including Howard Marshall, Frank Gillard, Robert Dunnett, Charles Collingwood, and John McVane. Programme compiled from official records by Sgt. Percy Hoskins.
sung by Margaret Eaves (soprano) and Norman Allin (bass), and played by the BBC Midland Light Orchestra : conductor, Rae Jenkins
66-'No Reprieve for Doctor Duchet', by B. L. Jacot. read by Ellis Chesney
Conductor, Charles Williams
Famous bands play popular dance tunes, on gramophone records