and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Conducted by Pierre Dupont . (Gramophone records)
Exercises for men : Colemah Smith
7.40 Exercises for women : Doris Robertson
At the pianos, Andrew Brysop and Barbara Laing
from the music of Purcell
Rev. Hamish Mackenzie
' Try Something New', by a Polish housewife
Conductor, Mr. E.J. Brooks
at the organ of the Granada, Tooting
and his Mazurka Orchestra
(AU arrangements by Mischa Michaeloff )
from page 17 of New Every Morning ' and page, 12 of ' Each Returning Day \ Immortal, invisible, God only wise. Psalm 65, vv. 1-8 ; It fell upon a summer day
Harry Fryer and his Orchestra
Tunes from the Great White Way, on gramophone records
sung by Megan Foster (soprano)
Two country teams in a competition of questions, animal, vegetable, and mineral. Produced by Geoffrey Grigson
' Bee Diseases ' : Reginald Gamble discusses with Dr. C. G. Butler the very important question of bee diseases, and what is being done
Conducted by G. Thalben-Ball
and his Band, with Marjorie Kingsley and Renee Lester *
(leader, George Stratton ),. conducted by Clarence Raybould. Joan and Valerie Trimble (pianos)
The English countryside presented in her ever-changing moods. Record programme devised by Peter Eton and Frederick Piffard. No. 3-
' Essex '
Ymweliad ag efail gof rhywie yng Ngogledd Cymru. Cyflwynir y rhaglen gan Sam Jones. (Programme in Welsh)
Play : ' The Little Pearl Heart', by Kathleen Fidler
Fuel Flash for housewives and National and Regional announcements
(piano), plays
Douglas Houghton discusses the many regulations with which everyone nowadays has to deal
Re-construction of a successful submarine raid on enemy shipping in a defended harbour. Written and directed by Reginald Beckwith , with Clifford Evans as ' The Rating '.
Megan Lloyd George , M.P.
Play by Mabel Constanduros and Howard Agg. Produced by Val Gielgud
Symphony No. 4 in A (The Italian) played by the BBC Scottish Orchestra : conductor, Ian Whyte
Ernest K. Lindley
Conducted by Harold Lowe
A new Bishop is enthroned in the ruins of Coventry Cathedral (recording)
with Bettie Bucknelle , Peter Akister , George Elliott , Henry Tye , Alan Paul , and Joe Linnane. Producer,
Jimmy Dyrenforth.
Short story, written for broadcasting by Winston Clewes , read by Philip Cunningham.
with Geraldo, his Orchestra, and Singers, offering hit tunes of today, songs of tomorrow, and requests from the Services. Introduced by David Miller
and his Music, with Jack Cooper