and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Conducted by Captain O. W. Geary. (Gramophone records)
Exercises for men : Coleman Smith
7.40 Exercises for women :
Doris Robertson
At the pianos, Andrew Bryson and Barbara Laing
from the music of Purcell
Rev. Hamish Mackenzie
' A Cook from Kingston'
Mixed choice of records. The high spot is ' Navarra ', by Albeniz, played by Rubinstein
and his Sextet
Talk by Dylan Thomas
at the theatre organ
News commentary
from page 117 of "New Every Morning" and page 62 of "Each Returning Day". Jesu, thou joy of loving hearts!; Psalm 138; May the grace of Christ our Saviour
Band of R.A.F. Bomber Command, conducted by Mr. G. J. Malcolm
11.0 SINGING TOGETHER, by Herbert
. Wiseman. Request programme
11.20 FOR UNDER-SEVENS: Let's join in-the well-known story of Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby
11.40 SCIENCE AND GARDENING : ' Insect Friends and Foes', by H. Alan Peacock
12.0 THE MAKING AND CONTENT OF THE BIBLE. The life and letters of St. Paul : ' The Letter to the Galatians ', by the Rev. C. F. D. Moule , Vice-Principal of Ridley Hall, Cambs.
Conducted by Gideon Pagan
followed by a recording of last night's postscript
Devised and produced by Leslie Bridgmont
1.50 FOR RURAL SCHOOLS (Scotland). ' The Hospital', by George and Ann
. Scott Moncrieff : medical services in country places
2.10 Interval music
2.15 STORIES FROM WORLD HISTORY. ' Alaric the Goth' (Fifth Century A.D.), by Rhoda Power
2.35 Interval music
2.40 ORCHESTRAL CONCERT FOR SCHOOLS. BBC Orchestra : conductor, Sir Adrian Boult. Programme presented by Alec Robertson
Talk by Professor Thomas Bodkin , Director of the Barber' Institute of Fine Arts in the University of Birmingham, and formerly Director of the National Gallery of Ireland
Rhoda Coghill (piano) and May Turtle (soprano)
with Mabel Constanduros , Archie Lewis , Norman Whiteley , Val Green and Alec Howieson , and the Dance Band of the Manchester Regiment, conducted by Mr. F. L. Statham. Produced by Richard North
and her Girls Band
Hwyrach nad oes dref yng Nghymru yn fwy enwog na'r Bala gyda'i choleg a'i Ilyn a'i ' Green '. Dyma'r hen dref fel y!i gwelwch heddiw. Y rhaglen wedi ei threfnu gan Nan Davies. (Welsh feature programme)
' The Story of Martha Much-To -Do ', by E. Herbert Morris. Helen Henschel in ' Music at Random': her subject is, ' The Greatest Song-Writer in the World'. 'News from Sherwood ', No. 4, by ' Robin Hood '
National and Regional announcements and Scottish News summary
8—'Play us Something ' : Sidney Harrison gives practical hints for pianists on how to meet this usual request
A story of London's Theatreland, today and yesterday, by Lewis Middleton Harvey. Music by Kenneth Pakeman. Produced by Martyn C. Webster. 2—' Not Enough Comedy'
Series of discussions on the purpose of education. 5— 'Mind' (2). Last week's four speakers make their own suggestions for the future : a schoolmaster, the principal of a University College, a Director of Education, and a girl who has recently left school
with Flotsam and Jetsam; Gwen Lewis; 'Meet Dr. Morelle', by Ernest Dudley, with Dennis Arundell as the strange Doctor; Robb Wilton in 'A Matter of Form', by Dick Pepper; 'Puzzle Corner'; 'Inquisition' â slightly uncomfortable few minutes for some famous people from all walks of life, introduced by C. Denier Warren as 'The Grand Inquisitor', and presented by Leonard Urry; 'Year by Year'. BBC Variety Orchestra, conducted by Charles Shadwell. Produced by Harry S. Pepper and Ronald Waldman
Talk by Mary Ferguson
Story of the night shift in one of the great Royal Ordnance factories where bombs and shells are filled with high explosive. Wendy Hiller plays the part of Mary. Written and produced by Marjorie Banks
Conductor, Ian Whyte
featuring Mary Martin, Johnny Mercer, Bing Crosby and Glen Miller and his Orchestra.
The Book of Revelation of St. John the Divine, Chapters 4 and 5.
and his Band, with Jack Farrsil and June Mannering, from the Hammersmith Palais de Danse