and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
(baritone); on gramophone records
Exercises for men : Coleman Smith
7.40 Exercises for women : May I:rown
At the pianos, Andrew Bryson and Barbara Laing
from Beethoven's Piano Sonatas (records)
Short morning prayers
Programme Parade
' The Vegetable Plot', by Mrs. Arthur Webb
Gramophone records
at the organ of the Trocadero, Elephant and Castle
Talk by a Police-Constable
Introductory music
All people that on earth do dwell (A. and M. 166, omitting v. 5S.P. 443, omitting v. 5; C.H. 229; Tune: Old Hundredth)
Prayers: Prayer of St. Richard; The Lord's Prayer
Thy Kingdom come, O God (A. and M. 217; C. H. 152; Tune: St. Cecilia)
Closing music
(viola), on gramophone records
La campanella (Paganini-Prinrose)
Two Caprices, Nos. 13 and 5 (Paganini)
News commentary
from page 29 of "New Every Morning" and page 52 of "Each Returning Day". Metrical Psalm 96: Oh sing a new song to the Lord; Psalm 90, vv. 1-12; O God of Bethel
at the theatre organ
' The Housewife in Wartime', by Ruth Drew
, ' Saving Sugar for Jam ', by Moira Savonius
11.0 MUSIC AND MOVEMENT FOR INFANTS: Ann Driver. ' Long Sounds '— (ii) : sounds two, three, and four beats long
11.20 HOW THINGS BEGAN : 'Men Catch Fish', by Rhoda Power
11.40 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH: by Jean - Jacques Oberlin , Marie Touchard ; and Yvonne Oberlin. La Famille Godillard : Visite de Tante Rachel '
Conductor, Leslie Woodgate
Lunch-time entertainment for factory-workers, from a factory somewhere in Britain
Ernest K. Lindley.
and his Band, with Gloria Kane and Cyril Shane
2.0 THE MUSIC SHOP. 'Black and White : ' Mr. Phillimore talks about the piano 0
2.20 PHYSICAL TRAINING (for use in classrooms) : by Edith Dowling
2.35 SENIOR ENGLISH II : Good writing. Poetry programme, ' The Sea arranged by Robert Gittings
Stan Atkins and his Band
from the Chapel of King's College, Cambridge
Antiphon : 0 praise the Lord (Batten) Versicles and Responses (Tomkins) Psalm 48
First Lesson : Jeremiah 18, vv. 1-11 Magnificat (Weelkes, Short Service) Second Lesson : Acts 17, vv. 1-9.
Nunc dimittis (Weelkes, Short Service) Creed
The Lord's Prayer (Robert Stones) Versicles and Responses (Tomkins)
Anthem : Jesu, grant me- this, I pray
Organist, Harold Darke
" Programme with something to annoy every lover of English literature, by H. R. Jeans. Produced by Howard Rose
Variety from the North-East of Scotland, with the Tivoli Theatre Orchestra : conductor, Clifford Jordan. Produced by Elizabeth Adair
(Welsh Children's Hour). ' Senedd Yr Ifanc' : rhaglen yn bennaf i'r plant hynaf. Dwy ferch a dau fachgen o'r Gogledd fydd yn y drafodaeth hon gydag R. E. Griffith , a'r pwnc fydd : ' 'Crwydro Gwlad '
' Young Artists' : Christopher Letcher (flute) ; Pamela Keefe (soprano) ; Philip Jones (trumpet) ; Pamela Birkinshaw (soprano)
Fuel Flash for housewives and National and Regional announcements
Magazine for Scottish listeners : comment on current affairs, new music, and poetry, sketches, and reviews, contributed by Scots at home and overseas, with a recorded impression of an event of the month from the Scottish News Unit
Weekly discussion, introduced by Freddy Grisewood
with Kenway and Young, Claude Dampier , ' 'Hubert' and the Burgomaster. Sketches written by Douglas Young. Music by Melville Christie and his Dance Orchestra, with Eva Beynon. Produced by Leslie Bridg mont
about doing things well
3-Douglas Allan asks whether the usual way is the best way
with spontaneous answers to ' Any Questions ? '. A guest in New York, Cornelia Otis Skinner , is linked by radio telephone with a guest in London, Dr. Leslie Burgin , and three residents, Commander A. B. Camp bell, Leslie Howard , and Dr. Julian S. Huxley. Question-Master, Donald McCullough. Producer, Howard Thomas.
Conducted by Leslie Heward
Address by the Rev. T. H. Kirkman
The story of a great Imperiaf statesman, with James McKechnie. Written by Sarah Gertrude Millin , and produced by Robert Speaight
and his Correct Tempo Ballroom Band, with Edna Kaye , Irene King , and Paul Rich , from the Hammer-smith Palais de Dance