and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Records of Jack (blue-pencil) Warner
Exercises for men: Coleman Smith
7.40 Exercises for women: May Brown
An anthology of favourites
Short morning prayers
'It's your idea'
Mixed choice 'of records. The high spot is Early Ragtime Memories, played by Jack Hylton and his Orchestra
with Rene Barr
A schoolmaster and an ex-schoolmistress, who attended the same village school, met recently by chance, and began to compare notes on their experiences and their hopes for the education of their own families. Here are some of the points on which they agreed-and agreed to differ.
at the theatre organ
News commentary and interlude
from p. 5 of ' New Every Morning ' and p. 22 of ' Each Returning Day '
Jan Berenska and his Orchestra
11.0 SINGING TOGETHER: by Herbert Wiseman
Oh, dear! what can the matter be? (English song)
Early One Morning (English song)
Donkey Riding (sea shanty)
11.20 I YSGOLION CYMRU: (For Welsh schools). Diwylliant Cymru, gan Dr. Iorwerth C. Peate. 3 - "Yr Aelwyd"
11.40 ENGLISH FOR UNDER NINES: Play, "The Christmas Cuckoo", Part I. Based on the Frances Browne story from "Granny's Wonderful Chair"
12.0 THE FOUR GOSPELS: "The hope of Israel", by the Rev. H. F. D. Sparks , University of Durham.
Last term the series of talks on "The Making and Content of the Bible" dealt with the ways in which the Gospels came to be written. This term they are concerned with the message of the Gospels, and with the attempt to find out what was the original Christianity.
Played by the BBC Scottish Orchestra. Conductor, Guy Warrack
fallowed by a recording of last night's postscript
Programme of gramophone records devised by Harold Neden
1.50 SCIENCE AND GARDENING : Growing' our meat at home: ' Should schools rear small livestock ? ' Discussion between C. F. Lawrance and W. R. Heaton
2.10 Interval music
2.15 STORIES FROM WORLD HISTORY : ' Roderigo of Spain and the Moors ', by Rhoda Power. How Tarik, leader of the Moors, gave his name to the Lion Rock (Gibraltar-Jebel Tarik ) in a battle against the Christians under Roderigo (8th century)
2.35 Interval music
2.40 SENIOR ENGLISH I : English for everyday use. Real life adventure story : Scenes from the Travels of Marco Polo
Primo Scala's Accordion Band
Conductor, Sir Adrian Boult. Nina Milkina. (piano)
Talk by T. MacLachlan
This afternoon's speaker has well merited his Scottish distinction of a ' lad o' pairts '. T. MacLachlan is a stone-mason who served his time in the Orkneys, though he is now carrying on his trade in the North of England. Apart from his regular job he is something of a writer, and has contributec" to a number of the best journals. He has a keen and observant eye, and in his talk today he will recall life in the Orkneys as it was thirty or forty years ago, when communications were difficult, trading often a matter of barter, and the life of the community rigorously conditioned by its island circumstances.
The story of Paul Whiteman , told by Alec Bristow and illustrated with outstanding recordings in the famous American band-leader's career
Sgwrs gan R. Alun Roberts. (Talk in Welsh)
5.20 Some music for the youngest listener, followed by ' All in a Day's Work ' : story of the Australian Bush, by John Ein
5.45 The Zoo Man
National and Regional announcements
Drama of the sea in six episodes, by Dale Collins. Produced by Hugh Stewart. Episode 5-" The Dictator ' and Scene : The schooner ' Spray ' in mid-Pacific
(soprano), sings a programme of Russian songs
This evening's recital is notable for the fact that the four songs by Taneiev have never been sung in -this country before. Taneiev, a famous Russian pianist and composer who was born in 1856 and died in 1915, resembled Brahms not only in outward appearance but in his attitude towards his art. He has been called the Dr. Johnson of Russian music, for he bludgeoned the modernists with great gusto and humour.
' Planning the Countryside ' : Flora, Mrs. MacLeod of MacLeod, Joseph F. Duncan , Secretary, Scottish Farm Servants' Union, and John Cadbury
Vast changes have occurred in the countryside since the war, and even greater ones should be looked for in the' after-war years. Problems facing the authorities will be to reconcile the competing claims of agriculture, development, and recreation. The rural community itself will undoubtedly be transformed, and the townsman on holiday will probably call for freer access to mountain land, and for expertly organised facilities when taking his country or seaside holiday.
Excerpt from the pantomime presented by Francis Laidler. From a Northern theatre
The 12 Rogan Girls
Today Australia celebrates the 154th anniversary of her foundation. On January 26, 1788, settlers landed in Sydney Cove. ' Today Australia surveys her history, and the voices of her sons and daughters reaffirm her destiny. The Voice of Australia includes the voices of Australian soldiers, sailors, airmen, and women munition workers. Written and produced in Sydney by the Australian Broadcasting Commission for the BBC, and recorded over shortwave link from Sydney to London
17-T. E. Dunville with Ada Reeve , Bransby Williams , Fred Yule , Joan Young , Hugh Mor ton, Vera Lennox , Clifford Bean , Dick Francis , Ian Sadler. Revue Chorus, and the BBC Variety Orchestra, under the direction of Charles Shadwell. Script and production by Eric Fawcett
Conducted by Clarence Raybould
Reading by Collin Brooks
and his Band
at the theatre organ, in a programme of music by Herman Finck
Suite, Vive la danse ; Vivienne ; Cheero ;
A la minuet; A la gavotte; In the Shadows ; Finckiana