to the Imperial and Allied Forces in Great Britain , followed by 'REVEILLE!'
Cheerful gramophone records
Records of America's Crooner Number One
Popular records of February 1939
Programme of gramophone records
at the theatre organ
and his Orchestra, on gramophone records.
Darnau difyr at y bore, sef, pennill, ac englyn a chan, gydag ambell stori ddigrif. Y rhaglen dan ofal John Griffiths. (Welsh light programme)
London Studio Players
with the BBC Revue Orchestra. Conductor, Mansel Thomas
at the theatre organ
Conducted by Mr. J. Thorpe
Lunch-hour entertainment for factory-workers, from a factory somewhere in Britain
Music arranged for the violin, on gramophone records
Record programme of famous trio and quartet singers
Sung and played by Elsie Mc Cullough (soprano), Francis McCall (tenor), the Colenso Male Voice Quartet, and the Irish Rhythms Orchestra, conducted by David Curry. Presented by Fraser Mayne
Rhythmic records
with Olive Groves
and his Band
Doris Arnold brings you some more gramophone records of ' classic' songs and melodies that you know and love
Questions on current affairs from men and women in the Forces answered at the microphone by Vernon Bartlett , M.P.
National and Regional announcements
Requests designed to unite members of the Forces with their relatives and friends at home
Jack McGuire presents the week's news from home for New Zealanders in this country
Weekly summary of Australian news specially presented for Australians in this country, and read by George Ivan Smith
Magazine programme devised by Peter Creswell , and presented by him to, for, about (and largely by personnel of) the Royal Navy. Produced by Peter Creswell and Peter Watts.
' We joined the Navy', by Sub-
Lieutenant Gerald Pawle , R.N.V.R. Part 7
Mrs. Wilson's weekly letter from her son, Stoker (1st class) 'Tug' Wilson, forwarded by Lieutenant Eric D. Todd , R.N.V.R.
Other items selected from the following : H.M.S. ' Incredible ' ship's concert, with new material by Writer Russell Marsh ; The Briny Trust-Cadet Rating J. B. G. Thomas, Leading Writer Roland Blackburn , and Petty Officer Writer Robert Burgess attempt to reply to ' What's the buzz? '; Esmond Knight spins a yarn ; and Harry Bidgood 's Band and Chorus, in original numbers by Signalman Geoffrey Wright and others. Musical supervisor and conductor, Signalman Geoffrey Wright
with Roy Rich
Favourite pieces from the repertoire of the BBC Northern Orchestra, conducted by Boyd Neel
in 'Odes and Ends'
Sixth of a weekly series, with Betty Astell, Frederick Burtwell, and the Dance Orchestra, conducted by Billy Ternent.
' Jungle Hooey ' : another mammoth million-dollar epic from the Drearitone Studios. Hollywood burlesque, with records, devised and written by Roy Plomley , and produced by Frederick Piffard. Cast includes Carl Bernard , William Ashley , and Roy Plomley
to the Imperial and Allied Forces in Great Britain , followed by REGINALD FOORT at the theatre organ
Programme of gramophone records devised by Harold Neden