to the Imperial and Allied Forces in Great Britain , followed by ' REVEILLE!'
Cheerful gramophone records
Records of Binnie Barnes, English film star
Popular records of December 1938
Programme of gramophone records
at the theatre organ
Directed by Reg Leopold. Presented by Fred Hartley
Presented by James Moody , with the Bachelor Girls
Damau difyr at y bore, sef pennill ac englyn a chan, gydag ambell ston ddigrif Yr rhaglen dan ofal John Griffiths. (Welsh light programme)
Eric Winstone and his Band
presented by Christopher Stone and S. P. B. Mais
No. 68-Doris Droy. The interviewer, Richard North
Conductor, Richard Crean
Sentimental vignette by Charles Hatton. Produced by Martyn C. Webster
Scene : The star dressing-room at the Theatre Royal, Wednesford
Also interludes by Jack Wilson and a piano, and Fred Adcock (rhythmic violin)
Lunch-time entertainment for factory-workers, relayed from a factory somewhere in Britain
The making (by women) and the manning (by W.A.A.F.'s) of Barrage Balloons, broadcast from a factory and a balloon-site in the South
and his Orchestra
' I've brought my music '
Britain's song-writers have in recent years done a great deal to dispel the old illusion that only songs from the other side of the Atlantic are worth hearing. Harry Jacob son is certainly one of the most accomplished writers of songs that this country has produced. For many years he has been personal pianist to Frances Day, and they have made of themselves an almost matchless team. Jacobson has also worked closely with' Carroll Gibbons. He gained fame with three numbers in Black and Blue ('My love for you', 'I've got the urge' and ' In my wildest dreams ), and since then has kept up a remarkable show of versatility. ' I walked into a dream without knocking ' and ' I like you are two of his latest. Although Harry is now in battledress, he still manages to find time for his music...
and his Orchestra
Reginald Foort at the theatre organ
Programme of listeners' requests, presented by Tom Dawson , and played by the BBC Military Band. Conductor, P. S. G. O'Donnell
Broadcasts for the Forces on the world at war
4.0 The United States and ourselves: her Naval Aviation, by Commander Ofstie, U.S.N., Naval Air Attache to the American Embassy in London
4.10 app. The Commonwealth at war : Newfoundland. Newfoundlanders describe fishing on the Grand Banks, and logging work here and at home
and his Band, with Marjorie Kingsley and Renee Lester
Doris Arnold brings you some more gramophone records of ' classic' songs and melodies that you know and love
National and Regional announcements
Meet Kay Cavendish and Helen Raymond , in a programme compered and arranged by Kay Cavendish
Golf, simplified by Henry Cotton , with Raymond Glendenning as ' the average player'. Lesson 2-' Through the fairway '
The week's news from home for New Zealanders in this country
Weekly summary of Australian news, specially presented for Australians in this country and read by George Ivan Smith
Dinner-time cabaret show, featuring Harry Roy and his Band and other well-known artists. Presented by Jacques Brown
with Roy Rich.
Sailors! Soldiers! Airmen! What's your favourite melody? Tell Roy Rich the title on a postcard addressed to Record Time, [address removed]
Weekly revue featuring Kenway and Young, Freddie Burtwell , Reggie Purdell , Bruce Winston , Helen Clare , Clarence Wright. Revue Chorus and BBC Revue Orchestra, conducted by Hyam Greenbaum. Sketches written by Douglas Young and Eric Barker. Produced by Leslie Bridgmont and Gordon Crier
with Jimmie Leach at the piano
Directed by Sergeant Jimmy Miller (by permission of the Air Council). Compere, David Miller
with the Merry Macs, Kate Smith, Alec Templeton, Tony Martin, and the Milt Herth Trio
to the Imperial and Allied Forces in Great Britain
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