to the Imperial and Allied Forces in Great Britain , followed by 'REVEILLE!'
Cheerful gramophone records
Records of Billy Costello, the original Pop-Eye
Popular records of December 1940
Scottish Variety Orchestra, conducted by Ronnie Munro, with Andy Brown, Jae Fraser, Ann Rich, and Ian Gourlay
Joe Murgatroyd and his happy family, Poppet, Helga, and Billie
and Interlude
in ' It's That Man Again '. (Recording of last Friday's broadcast)
Reg. Leopold
Weekly review in English of Indian news and affairs, presented in collaboration with All-India Radio
Varied items for the Indian troops
Presented by Christopher Stone and S. P. B. Mais
and his Dance Band, from a ballroom in the West
and his Orchestra, featuring the Bobcats, on records
Recording of last night's broadcast, with Billy Matchett , Talbot O'Farrell , Jean Kennedy , Turner Layton , and Murray and Mooney. BBC Variety Orchestra, conducted by Charles Shadwell. Compere, Philip Slessor
Presented by James Moody
and his Apache Band, with Amalia Magri and Jacques Vallez
2-—' Christmas as part of God's plan '. Rev. George MacLeod , D.D.
Debroy Somers and his Band
Valerie Hobson has been invited to the studio where Charles Maxwell presents her with seven wishes that all come true. Programme includes the recorded voices of many other stars of stage and screen. Devised and written by Harry Alan Towers . (Special
Conductor, P. S. G. O'Donnell. Frank Gordon (bass-baritone)
Play-by-play description for Canadian Forces—and all others interested --of last night's National Hockey League game in Toronto. Relayed by beam telephone, and presented in collaboration with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
The Brains Trust give their spontaneous answers to questions sent in by listeners. Today's Brains Trust : Cyril E. M. Joad , Commander A. B. Campbell , Professor C. H. Wadding
- ton. Question - master :
Donald McCullough. ' Second thoughts ' : Donald McCullough. Presented by Howard Thomas. (Specially recorded. To be repeated on Thursday in the Forces programme)
followed by Interlude : records
(No. 58, new series). Starring Bebe Daniels , Vic Oliver , Ben Lyon , with Jay Wilbur and his Orchestra, and the Radio Three. Additional dialogue by Ray Sonin. Produced by Douglas Lawrence
The week's news as seen from London, including reviews of new films by Lilian Duff
Community hymn-singing from a seamen's Bethel in the West of Scotland, conducted by William S. Climie and Robert Miller
with Hazell and Day, Hetty King, Jack Warner , Naughton and Gold, Ivor John , and Harry Korris as Mr. Lovejoy, assisted by Cecil Frederick and Robbie Vincent. Happidrome Orchestra and Chorus. Devised, produced, and conducted by Ernest Longstaffe
followed by a postscript
To the men of the Forces: a letter in words and music from Vera Lynn, accompanied by Fred Hartley and his Music. Songs, and 'news from home' sent by munition girls to their husbands in uniform.
Prepare ye the way of the Lord' : Benedictus ; Isaiah 40, vv. 1-11 ; On Jordan's bank (A. and M. 50) ; I Samuel 7, v. 3.
Directed by Alfred Jupp
From a hotel in the South
Sequel to ' As one tenor to another presented on gramophone records by Derek Oldham
Derek Oldham , who was bom in the Lancashire town of Accrington, started his stage career in April 1914, but, like many young actors of that time, joined the Army when war broke out. He served first in the ranks of the Scots Guards, then as an officer in the East Lanes. Regiment, winning the M.C. in Macedonia in 1918. After the war Derek Olctham joined the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company, with whom he remained until 1922. It is perhaps for his singing in musical comedy, such as Lilac Time and- Rose Marie , that he is best known.
to the Imperial and Allied Forces in Great Britain
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