Animated adventures of a young aardvark and his friends. Muffy bets Francine she can't be nice to everyone for a whole week. Show more
Series exploring all things insects and bugs, using real-life filming and animation. A group of black ants use a model railway set to help them transport sugar. Show more
Children from two schools deliver their funniest joke. St Edmund's goes up against Holy Family. Show more
Topical news magazine for children.
It is Faith's turn to make a video blog to help new arrivals settle in and, with a little help from Harry, she looks at what it takes to be the boss. Show more
Topical news magazine for children.
It's day one at vet school for the six new junior vets and new mentor, Alex Riley. The junior vets get their hands on cute wriggling piglets that need their vitamins. Show more
Drama series about a young girl and her life in a children's home. Justine's father is getting married, but he is clueless when it comes to choosing a bridesmaid's dress.
Comedy series. Kaitlyn enters the annual Bogmoor Fair's Best Fruit and Vegetable Competition, but she faces pressure when Rich offers the castle as a venue. Show more
Ed Petrie and friends explore unusual and amazing places in the UK. The team discover a meteor in Armagh's Astro Park. Show more
The doctors take a closer look inside their ears to prove how earwax has a really important job to do, and Dr Xand meets a pioneering professor who makes body parts. Show more
Comedy about two brothers at the same school - one as a pupil, the other as a new teacher. Nathan finally decides to ask Miss Poppy out. Show more
Sketch show for sports fans. Featuring the world's dumbest cheerleaders, mime artists trying their hand at being physios, and sports presenter Kenny Maul's worst moments on TV. Show more
Comedy show that puts kids in the driving seat and lets them loose to concoct the most preposterous pranks. And who better to fool than unsuspecting adults?
Comedy series. Barney eats Crazy Keith's spaghetti bolognese and promptly turns into a frog. Nev and Keith try to convince Barney that being a frog might not be that bad. Show more
Steve Backshall recreates incredible hunts by deadly creatures. The world's largest lizard, the komodo dragon, uses a toxic bite to try to bring down a water buffalo. Show more
Search for the best young traders in Britain. DNA from London take on ARD from Derbyshire. Their challenge is to sell magic tricks at Wizard Week. Show more
Five kids go to work and live with the people who make their favourite things. Oliver, Rhianna, Michael, Kassia and Mali are set to work in an enormous bike factory. Show more
The Tracy Beaker Survival Files - Tales from the Dumping Ground
Episode 3: Persuasion
30 minutes on CBBC HD
Tracy Beaker shares advice for life. There are times when everyone needs to persuade people to see things their way.
Comedy about two brothers at the same school - one as a pupil, the other as a new teacher. Nathan finally decides to ask Miss Poppy out. Show more
Comedy show that puts kids in the driving seat and lets them loose to concoct the most preposterous pranks. And who better to fool than unsuspecting adults?
Children's animation. When the Farmer throws out his magic set, Shaun decides to put on a show - but things get out of hand when the flock start disappearing. Show more
Animation. Doomageddon gets captured by the city dog catcher and is quickly adopted by Glory Guy's super-powered son, Junior! Show more
Animated series following four friends as they train at the Academy for Aspiring Sidekicks. Eric turns summer into winter and threatens to start a new ice age.
Animated adventures. There is a vampire loose in the town, terrorising the residents and stealing an odd assortment of loot. Show more
Game show filled with medieval, messy madness. Dance Fever has infected the Kingdom of Splatalot as a new group of dance-loving Attackers arrive. Show more
Topical news magazine for children.
Series looking for the country's best young cook. In the last of the heats, four cooks create soup and soda bread from a range of mystery ingredients. Show more
Fantasy adventure drama. Tom's grandfather proposes a quest to retrieve a lost artefact that can heal the Line of Twilight, but can he be trusted? Show more
Two cheeky 13-year-olds from Glasgow who answer back to teachers and disrupt their classmates sign up to a week at a strict Muslim school in Singapore. Show more
Documentary following 13-year-old Leo, who was born a girl, in his journey to get his first male passport and be accepted as a boy. Show more
Animated series set on a remote rural farm. It is breakfast time and the Farmer discovers he has no fresh milk for his morning cup of tea. Show more
Drama about a young girl and her life in a children's home. Tracy is less than keen on an elderly pair of potential foster parents. Show more