For Schools
Previously shown on Monday
(to 10.00)
For Schools
(to 10.25)
For the very young
Audrey Atterbury and Molly Gibson pull the strings
Gladys Whitred sings the songs
Peter Hawkins speaks the voices
Maria Bird writes the songs and music
BBC film
(to 11.00)
Introduced by Windsor Davies.
For Schools
Previously shown on Tuesday
(to 11.25)
For Schools
Previously shown on Tuesday, June 18
(to 11.55)
(to 13.00)
News in Welsh.
(Welsh transmitters and Holme Moss, Sutton Coldfield, Crystal Palace)
Kdryrhwn ymhell ac yn agos Drwy nllm a thrwy drafod
Daw Cymru a'r byd i'r aelwyd
I'ch difyrru
Wrth eich cinio
Y cyflwynydd, OWEN EDWARDS Y cynhyrchu, IFOR
Y golygydd, NAN DAVIES
(Welsh transmitters and Holme Moss, Sutton Coldfield, Crystal Palace)
BBC Outside Broadcasts Units bring you the third day's play direct from the All England Lawn Tennis Club, Wimbledon with Commentary-News Flashes-Summaries by Dan Maskell, Peter West, David Coleman.
(to 14.00)
Stanley Reed discusses some of the current evening programmes.
For Schools
by Gordon Murray.
Another showing of Sinister Visitor
Presented by the BBC Puppet Theatre
BBC film
A second chance to see Wanderer's Return
On the second leg of their journey round the world Eric and Susan Hiscock sail among the most beautiful islands in the Pacific.
After spending a green Christmas on a do-it-yourself farm in New Zealand, they begin their final 15,000 miles in Wanderer III and find strange companions - dope smugglers in the Red Sea.
A daily presentation of news and views from London and the South-East.
Introduced by Michael Aspel.
followed by The Weather
The final transmission of the day direct from the All England Lawn Tennis Club, including highlights and personalities of the third day's play.
by Allan Prior.
There are two young constables in each car, ready to deal with trouble as it happens.
A team of pickpockets and the attempt to track them down leads Jock Weir into serious trouble with the public and with the Chief Constable.
by Alan Simpson and Ray Galton.
A Second showing of The Bath
Starring Wilfrid Brambell as Albert, Harry H. Corbett as Harold
with Yootha Joyce and Marjie Lawrence
The Rt. Hon. Harold Wilson, O.B.E., M.P., The Rt. Hon. Patrick Gordon Walker, M.P., Denis Healey, M.P.
A Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party
invites you to join him and his guests Max Jaffa, Kay Rose with The Cliff Adam Singers.
The Orchestra
Leader, David McCallum
Conducted by Eric Robinson
Richard Dimbleby reports direct from Berlin on the American President's visit to the city that divides West and East.
Presented in co-operation with the German Television Service
with Armand and Michaela Denis
This year the waters of Lake Kariba in Rhodesia reach their maximum level, and animal rescue operations are now in their fourth and last season. This film report highlights the final stages of 'Operation Noah'.
A new film series: from the West
10.50-11.15 The Royal Norfolk Show
(Peterborough, Manningtree)
The latest news with the focus on the main stories of the day.
Cystadleuaeth holi ieuenctid.
(Welsh transmitters and Holme Moss, Sutton Coldfield, Crystal Palace)
(to 23.57)