Halley's Comet?; The Atom?; Territorial Waters?; Railway Engines?
What strange property have they all in common?
Introduced by Colin Ronan.
(Recording of last Monday's programme)
(to 11.45)
Bwrw golwg dros bynciau'r dydd mewn sgwrs a fillm - a chyfle i gwrdd a rhai sy'n amlwg yn y newyddion.
(Wenvoe, Blaen-Plwyf, Holme Moss and Sutton Coldfield only)
(to 13.30)
Textures and patterns can be an endless source of interest and delight not only to the artist and craftsman but to all of us.
Introduced by Donald Holms.
For the Very Young
Stories about a family of wooden dolls who live on a farm.
Audrey Atterbury and Molly Gibson pull the strings
(A BBC television film)
(to 14.45)
In this film two boys go bathing and leave their picnic lunch on the sea-shore-but there are two little animals about. Who gets the picnic?
The exciting Wartime Adventure
by C. E. Webber.
Based on the novel by Ian Serraillier.
(A BBC recording of the broadcast on November 24, 1957)
A Telescope for Ten Shillings
You do not need a large and expensive telescope to take up astronomy as a hobby. James Muirden has made his own instrument, and Patrick Moore has asked him to show you how to do it.
Book Review
Patrick Moore tells you about soma recent astronomical books.
Today you hear about a new competition, in which you will be able to carry out some practical astronomy.
Competition entries should be sent to: 'Seeing Stars', [address removed]
Closing date: December 3
On transmitters serving the areas:
6.10 News for Scotland, Northern Ireland. and the English Regions
News from Wales: 6.15-6.20
Percy Thrower shows seasonal work in garden and greenhouse.
Planting out wallflowers, polyanthus and winter-flowering pansies; Frost protection for hydrangeas; Winter storage of dahlia tubers and gladioli corms; Feeding winter-flowering chrysanthemums
The Northern Horticultural Society
Ken Lemmon outlines the work of the Society at the Harlow Carr Gardens and Trial Grounds, Harrogate and Geoffrey Smith discusses new varieties and propagation techniques of Michaelmas Daisies.
From the BBC's Midland television studio
Look around with Cliff Michelmore.
with Derek Hart, Geoffrey Johnson Smith.
This week, Rory McEwen and Alex McEwen and further reports from Alan Whicker on his journey round the world.
In tonight's telerecording Perry Como welcomes
Star Guests: The Everly Brothers, Ann Sheridan, Ray W. Alston
with The Mitchell Ayres Orchestra, The Ray Charles Singers, The Louis Da Pron Dancers.
Written by Gavin Blakeney and Anthony Steven
Adventures and mis-adventures of a Naval Helicopter Crew.
(The BBC acknowledges with gratitude the co-operation of the Captains, Officers and Crews of H.M.S. Ark Royal, Cavendish, Albion, and the Lee-on-Solent, Culdrose and Hal-Far, Malta, R.N. Air Stations)
Raymond Glendenning introduces Hall of Fame
The Sportsview Unit recalls the world's greatest sports stars in action.
Film showing 'Steve' in his most famous races on 'Captain Cuttle', 'Papyrus', 'Manna', and 'Exhibitionist'.
The novel by Frank Tilsley.
Adapted as a serial in eight episodes by Constance Cox.
[Starring] William Lucas, Anna Turner
The action takes place in the village of Tollerton Clough, and the adjoining town of Newton, Lancashire. Time: 1938-1941.
Richard and Dilys Dimbleby borrow your Passport for a holiday journey to The Bernese Oberland.
The first of three films to help you choose your holiday abroad.
Filmed for the BBC by Puritan Films
See facing page
A distinguished visitor with Richard Dimbleby in the Bernese Oberland
Each year more and more people take their holidays abroad, and before doing so spend much time reading brochures and guide-books, trying to decide where to go. It is to help them that the Passport series has been planned. In the first edition tonight Richard and Dilys Dimbleby will be seen visiting the beautiful Bernese Oberland in Switzerland for a winter-sports holiday. The programme will include many aspects of such a holiday - the ski-ing, the cable and rack railways up mountains, the food, and the opinions of other visitors, including one very famous holidaymaker.
Brittany and Portugal will be visited in later editions of Passport to be seen in the New Year when people will be planning their summer holidays for 1959.
Gilbert Harding meets The Welsh Lord's Day Observance Society
At Tabernacle Baptist Chapel, Cardiff
Starring Phil Silvers as Sergeant Bilko.
A box of relics inherited from his ancestor on Washington's staff gives Bilko delusions of military grandeur. He is less keen on becoming an officer when he finds out the facts from the Major's diary.
Viewers whose sets are tuned to Rowridge will see 'View of the South West' - a weekly magazine-from 10.45-11.10
by Grant Williams.
In which Bernard Braden is seen in the main role and heard as all the other characters presents tonight...
(Produced on film by Henry Caldwell Productions Ltd.)
followed by Weather and Close Down