Bwrw golwg dros bynciau'r dydd mewn sgwrs a ffilm - a chyfle i gwrdd a rhai sy'n amlwg yn y newyddion.
(Wenvoe, Blaen-Plwyf, Holme Moss, and Sutton Coldfield only)
(to 13.30)
by William Bullough, Professor of Zoology in the University of London.
For the Very Young
Audrey Atterbury and Molly Gibson pull the strings
Gladys Whitred sings the songs
Peter Hawkins speaks the voices
Maria Bird writes the songs and music
(A BBC television film)
Your Own Time
A light-hearted magazine for younger women.
Introduced by Robert Gladwell.
It's a Woman's World
Introducing Delia Dudgeon, photographer to prove the point.
Happy is the Bride
An excerpt from the new comedy film and an interview with one of the stars, Cecil Parker.
Kay on the Keys
Kay Cavendish
I'd Like to Know
Roma Fairley asks a furrier how to choose a fur.
3.15 Quick and Easy Dressmaking: 36 - Straight Tweed Skirt
A French design filmed by Radiodiffusion-Television Francaise.
Demonstrated by Diana Crutchley.
Full instructions for making this tweed skirt were printed in the supplement in Radio Times published on February 7.
A folder to hold all Women's Television Notes printed as supplements in Radio Times can be obtained from [address removed] Price 2s. post free. Crossed postal orders, please-not stamps.
(to 15.30)
Eamonn Andrews opens Playbox helped by Tony Hart with the drawings and Ivan Owen with the games, in which two young teams take part, including The Playbox Detective Agency in which you can try your hand at detection and The Inter-Regional Quiz Championship Part 2: The Final Challenge - Glasgow
Positions to date:
London..................................136 points
Cardiff..................................130 points
Birmingham..........................126 points
Manchester........................124 points
Bristol....................................70 points
Glasgow..................................66 points
News from Wales: 6.15-6.20
[Starring] Joan Davis in the film series I Married Joan
Look around with Cliff Michelmore.
Sport - Music - People
Cinema - Theatre - Argument
with Derek Hart, Geoffrey Johnson Smith and this week: Sheila Buxton and Rory McEwen
A weekly series of telerecordings in which Perry Como the famous American singer and entertainer plays host to the world's most celebrated performers on one of American television's most popular musical shows.
Peter Dimmock introduces Sportsview
Television's weekly sports magazine for the family.
Tonight's programme includes:
Rugby League: Australia and New Zealand Tour Trial
A telerecording of this afternoon's match at Headingley.
Dr. J. Bronowski
by Raymond Bowers
[Starring] Terence Morgan, Helen Cherry, Owen Holder, David Horne
with Richard Wordsworth, Patricia Cree
(Terence Morgan appears by permission of George Minter Productions Limited)
(See page 4)
Roger Akester introduces his second film taken on a recent expedition to the extinct volcanoes in the Tibesti, one of the remotest parts of the Sahara.
The second series of Early to Braden
with The Same Baby, The Same Piano and (from Time to Time), Braden
Bernard Miles invites well-known personalities of stage and screen to read with him passages from the Bible, in an attempt to recapture the spirit and meaning of This Book in familiar and unfamiliar words.
Among his guests tonight will be, Josephine Wilson, Leo Genn, Jack Warner
followed by Weather and Close Down