Bwrw golwg dros bynciau'r dydd mewn sgwrs a ffilm - a chyfle i gwrdd a rhal sy'n amlwg yn y newyddion.
(Wenvoe, Blaen-Plwyf, Holme Moss and Sutton Coldfield only)
(to 13.25)
(A BBC television film)
Room for Improvement: 1: The Hall
John Siddeley demonstrates ideas for solving problems of decoration and furnishing put to him by viewers.
Including examples of wallpapers, paints, floor coverings, stair carpets, cupboards, light fittings, and mirrors.
Introduced by Mollie Weir.
3.10 Quick and Easy Dressmaking
A second showing of the film of the jersey hood demonstrated last Wednesday.
3.15 Topical Round-Up
with Honor Balfour.
(to 15.30)
Elizabeth Lanchbury introduces Studio 'E', Your Monday Magazine
Junior Frogmen
Surgeon-Commander Wyndham Davies, R.N., tells you how to train now for your summer underwater swimming.
Kim the Keeshond meets some friends
Johnny Morris, The Hot Chestnut Man
Philip Marsden tells you how to choose them and train them to talk.
Name the Zebra
A competition organised by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.
It's a Waiting Game
Ronnie Brody tries again and, as usual, finds he's in the soup.
Pop of the Week
Ted Taylor with a current record hit.
On transmitters serving the areas:
6.10 News for Scotland, Northern, Ireland and the English Regions
News for Wales: 6.15-6.20
The film series starring Jeannie Carson.
Jeannie joins the Camp Fire Girls (the American equivalent of our Brownies) to help them collect money to purchase a vacant lot for use as a play-ground-and nearly loses it for them.
Look around with Cliff Michelmore.
Sport - Music - People
Cinema - Theatre - Travel
with Derek Hart, Geoffrey Johnson Smith and this week, Cy Grant, Tonia Bern
Ted Heath brings you twenty minutes of music in the modern manner - the second of three programmes with Bobbie Britton and Peter Lowe.
with Phil Silvers as Sergeant Bilko.
When Bilko suffers from insomnia, the whole camp gets a rude awakening.
says Eamonn Andrews to - ?
The script by Ken Smith from material supplied by Ray Marler and George Bruce.
Original music written by James Turner and played by the orchestra under the direction of George Clouston.
Richard Dimbleby opens Television's Window on the World.
The Panorama team of contributors-using film and television cameras-focuses on events and personalities of the moment.
A weekly magazine of films and film personalities.
Introduced by Peter Haigh and Derek Bond.
for the BBC Inter-Regional Dancing Contest (by arrangement with Mecca Dancing)
Paul Carpenter introduces the second heat in this nation-wide amateur ballroom dancing contest for the BBC Television Award.
The West of England at the Guildhall, Southampton with Andy Currie and his Orchestra
Compere, Wally Green
Wales at the Sophia Gardens Pavilion, Cardiff with Tommy Mander and his Orchestra
Compere, Alun Williams
For those who like "messing about in boats" the winter is lightened in January each year by a visit to Olympia. Here can be seen nearly three hundred boats of all shapes and sizes which will be afloat next summer.
An Outside Broadcast
followed by Weather and Close Down