Bwrw golwg dros bynciau'r dydd mewn sgwrs a ffilm - a chyfle i gwrdd a rhai sy'n amlwg yn y newyddion
(Wenvoe, Blaen-Plwyf, Holme Moss and Sutton Coldfield only)
(to 13.25)
For the Very Young
Audrey Atterbury and Molly Gibson pull the strings
(A BBC television film)
(to 14.45)
Outside Broadcast cameras at the Queen's Club, London, cover the semi-final stages of the championships.
David Attenborough describes his recent journey along the Great Barrier Reef and into the mountains of Central New Guinea in the search for Birds of Paradise.
(Previously televised on November 10)
Jess Yates introduces news and views from filmland.
Film extracts include scenes from 'Perri', 'Niok', 'Tin Star', and 'Tarzan and the Lost Safari'.
(Films by courtesy of Walt Disney, Paramount, and M.G.M.)
A Morton Schindel cartoon film from the book by Marcia Brown based on an old French folk tale.
On transmitters serving the areas:
6.10 News for Scotland, Northern Ireland and the English Regions
News for Wales: 6.15-6.20
by Eugene Cloutier
(A telerecording presented by arrangement with CBC)
Look around with Cliff Michelmore.
Sport - Music - People
Cinema - Theatre - Travel
with Derek Hart, Geoffrey Johnson Smith and this week, Rory McEwen
The Programme Women Like-Men to See
A symposium of Music-Song
Dance-Novelty and Glamour with the Orchestra under the direction of Norrie Paramor and the dances directed by Larry Gordon.
See panel
by J.B. Priestley
Adapted for television in four episodes by Constance Cox
[Starring] Maurice Denham and Sydney Tafler with Margaret Tyzack, Alec McCowen, Maureen Pryor, Irene Handl
The action takes place in London during the winter of 1927.
Last year the training ship Moyana, manned by the cadets of the Southampton School of Navigation, won the Tall Ships' Race to Lisbon. This film tells how this School trains future officers for the Merchant Services of the world.
Introduced by Alan Villiers.
Commentary spoken by Geoffrey Matthews.
Written and produced by John Irving.
People who make the news face questions from people who write the news.
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