A film record of the week's News and Newsreels.
Visit to Bristol of the BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard)
Conductor, Sir Malcolm Sargent
Louis Kentner (piano)
The National Anthem
From the Colston Hall.
(Simultaneous broadcast with all Home Services except Welsh)
[Starring] Joan Davis
In this film the Judge plans to attend a college reunion but Joan has other ideas when she realises that 'old girls' will also be there.
meets every Sunday afternoon to answer questions sent by viewers.
The members this week are: John Betjeman, Marghanita Laski, Professor M. Polanyi, F.R.S., Lady Violet Bonham Carter, D.B.E.
Question-Master, Hugh Ross Williamson
Questions should be addressed to: "The Brains Trust", [address removed]
Sooty: 1: Sooty at School
with Harry Corbett.
Children's Newsreel
The Blakes: Part 3
Adapted for television by Muriel Levy from the book by Alison Wright.
The action takes place on the de Cartney estate and on the road to the south of England.
(Blanche Fothergill is appearing in 'The Count of Clerambard' at the Garrick Theatre, London)
Sunday at Six
Introduced by the Rev. S. Austen Williams.
(to 18.05)
BBC Show Band Directed by Cyril Stapleton who also introduces tonight's guests, including Ronnie Hilton, The Stargazers, Halama and Konarski, Janie Marden, The Show Band Singers.
First of a series of fortnightly programmes.
The first in a cycle of four plays entitled "The Makepeace Story" by Frank and Vincent Tilsley.
The action takes place in and around the village of Shawcross, Lancashire
Time, 1774-1783
See facing page and page 6
The first film of a new series about the mysterious and the unusual shows that such curiosities can exist.
Malcuzynski (piano) plays music by Chopin
Polonaise in C minor Nocturne in F
Ballade No. 2, in F Four Mazurkas Valse Brillante.
An act of worship led by the Rev. Ian Pitt-Watson, Chaplain to the University of Aberdeen.
Aberdeen Student Singers under the direction of Reginald Barrett-Ayres