[Starring] Bruce Seton in the film The Troubled Wife
(Previously televised on January 29)
People who make the news face questions from the people who write the news.
(A BBC telerecording of the broadcast on May 6)
For the Very Young
Pages turned by Patricia Driscoll.
(A BBC Television Film)
(to 16.15)
Bits and Pieces
by Reginald Jeffryes.
Marching Round the World
with the Central Band of the Royal Air Force.
Conducted by Wing-Commander A.E. Sims, O.B.E.
For Deaf Children
Jasmine Bligh introduces a special programme which includes a story of Sammy Squirrel drawn by Pat Harrison, and a competition.
(to 17.40)
A British film made in 1944 as a tribute to the Merchant Navy.
Sixty minutes of Variety for the tenth anniversary of VE-Day.
Presenting some of the stars who have lightened the dark hours, and reviving memories of the war years.
(See top of page and page 15)
From the Television Theatre, London, before an audience of the British Legion and Service men and women.
[Starring] Vera Lynn, Jack Warner and Bobby Alderson, Robert Easton, Richard Murdoch, Kenneth Horne, Sam Costa, Eric Barker, Pearl Hackney, Charlie Chester, Teddy Haskell and Renee Baxter
with the Windmill Girls
and an outside broadcast from the Merchant Navy Hotel
with Doris Hare, Bob Harvey, and guest stars
Introduced by John Snagge, Richard Dimbleby, Jean Metcalfe and Ralph Reader
The Air Raid Shelter scene presented with the co-operation of the Civil Defence Corps, Stepney Division
(Teddy Haskell, Renee Baxter, and The Windmill Girls appear by permission of Vivian Van Damm)
A BBC telerecording of the match played last Saturday at the Empire Stadium, Wembley.
(sound only)
followed by Election Broadcast
The Rt. Hon. James Griffiths (Labour)
(Recording of the broadcast in the Home Service at 9.15 p.m.)
(Sound only)